Kluge-Ruhe offers "Aboriginal Art Excursion" to DC and NYC

Kluge-Ruhe Aboriginal Art Collection(http://www.virginia.edu/kluge-ruhe/)

The Kluge-Ruhe Aboriginal Art Collection offers a three-day excursion to Washington, DC and New York City. Participants first travel by train to Washington, DC to view Judy Watson's exhibit at the Embassy of Australia, where Director of Cultural Affairs Brendan Wall will offer a tour of the exhibit and lunch at the Embassy. The group then takes the train to New York for two nights at the Fairfield Inn at 5th Ave. and 37th St. On Saturday, participants visit the exhibit, "Saying No: Reconciling Spirituality and Resistance in Indigenous Australian Art" at the Museum of Contemporary African Diaspora Art, with a tour led by indigenous Australian photographer and exhibit curator Bindi Cole, and then enjoy evening wine and hors d'oeuvres with Kluge-Ruhe Advisory Council members John and Barbara Wilkerson at their Manhattan apartment, followed by dinner at Eight Mile Creek, New York's only restaurant featuring Australian cuisine. Trip limited to 20 people. (Dinner at Eight Mile Creek is optional for an additional $60 per person.) Call 244-0234 to reserve a space.