What do you think about the JPA bridge project?

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The old bridge should have been replaced with a prefabricated one, and the job should have taken a couple of months, not a couple of years.

I was told another company bid on the project with a much faster time frame to complete but were outbid . Looks like this approach will cost thousands in lost revenue for neighboring businesses, and sales taxes for the city.

It's coming along, but has been kind of a nightmare for those of us on Stribling - the gravel road that everyone and their brother is now using is constantly washboarded and overused. Poor planning for the lack of a formal detour, or a fabricated bridge option.

Speaking as someone who both lives on Stribling and works at Wayside its been a nightmare. Whom ever planed the construction project of the bridge could have cared less about the impact on the residents and businesses. Lest see how city government feels when Belmont bridge is replaced, bet they sing another tune when its in their backyard.

This is a non event. Wait until VDOT shuts down US RT 250 @ Shadwell next Spring for several months to repair bridge over RR

Amanda Sovik-Johnston: "I'm excited that it's bringing some more commercial interest to the area and possibly increasing the home prices. I feel bad for the businesses on that corner, especially Hoo's Brew, because they are such kind and lovely people. And it also takes me a lot longer to get to and from work every day."

Amanda- you are a little out of touch!

Just like DC, the powers that be here in this little cow town are not concerned with its inhabitants.

2 years? Really! So they are sculpturing it by hand?

Ice Dogg- out of ice!

I would bet if it were the RAILROAD building a bridge over the road and they had to close the tracks to do so it would be done by now....

just sayin...

I can't wait for the Ribbon Cutting Ceremony so all the angry villagers can tar and feather the schmucks who awarded this asinine contract.

The "detour" down Stribling Extended is truly a nightmare. Couldn't this road, at least, be paved? As is, it is riddled with potholes and irregularites that wreak havoc on cars.
Additionally, the connection at Fontaine has created a dangerous u-turn situation. While this state of affairs might be tolerable for a month or two, the 18-month timeline is unfathomable.

Who planned this and how could they not think through better options for neighbors and businesses??

Your City Council is 50% repsonsible for the debacle- DOT si the other culprit.

Fairly good "looking" plan in Waynesboro- large bridge. No railroad involved, but a PLAN taking into consideration those businesses which will be affected on a MAJOR road for sure.
