Too wide a brush painted horse-racing as evil

[Re: October 20 Sports Doctor: "They're off: Colonial Downs a disgrace to VA racing"]

We who are involved in this sport love our beautiful thoroughbreds and care for them from the time they are born until they are retired. We love this sport and try to carefully regulate it to see that no wrong is being done.

Every sport has its Dick Dutrows. Unfortunately, that's just a fact of life, and when it happens we expel them from our tracks as was done this time. The majority of us are hard workers, for this is truly a labor of love– from the grooms, breeders, trainers, and owners;  and we all try to improve our sport so that everyone can enjoy it as much as we do. 

Colonial Downs is no different from an other track in our country; all have been affected by the economy, and we are hopeful this will start to improve.

I suggest if you are doing any more articles on other sports you talk to the people involved in the sport and stop making unfounded statements as you have in this article.

Pat Schuler
Foxcroft Farm

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