Expansion: Peter Chang readies for Richmond

America's most sought-after Chinese chef is moving forward on a plan to open a restaurant near Richmond in the Short Pump area.

"We've already started construction," says Gen Lee, business partner to Chang, who says the location is near the Walmart, what Richmond.com describes as the former site of a restaurant called Rainbow Buffet.

After a tantalizing stint in Albemarle Square, Chang wowed palates by opening Peter Chang's China Grill on Barracks Road last March. Lee estimates that the Richmond-area opening will occur in about five weeks.

Read more on: peter chang


Is he leaving Charlottesville ?

Oh, just noted the headline - Expansion -so glad to know he'll still be here.

Awesome. Short Pump is a real classy place. Strip malls and McMansions. Yeee Haaaw...