Relentless: Winter terror comes with fangs

"The Grey" is an unrelenting demonstration that wolves have no opinion. When they attack, it's not personal. They've spent untold millennia learning how to survive, naked and without weapons, in fearsome places like the Arctic Circle in the dead of winter. They aren't precisely unarmed; they have their teeth and claws, but how far would that get us, even if we had rifles?

In the movie, a group of oil company workers gets the opportunity to find the answer to that question. They're workers at a pumping station in the far north, described in the opening narration by Ottway (Liam Neeson) as a sort of prototype for hell, occupied by "men unfit for mankind." They have the kinds of jobs you might take if you were desperate for the good pay, or perhaps driven to seek a place far from society where it is assumed that when you are not working you are sleeping or drinking. The bar no doubt has cheap prices, and it's crowded during an early scene that establishes Ottway and some other characters. [Full review]

Read more on: liam neesonroger ebert

1 comment

Might as well be the first to point out that the overwhelming body of scientific evidence says that wolves do not attack and devour humans. This sort of premise would have been fine in a 1920s or 30s movie, but they are asking for too much suspension of disbelief in the present day. Ever hear of the film Don't Cry Wolf?
Been better to have made it some unknown monster. Or werewolves.