Jumbo Escafé: Venerable restaurant unveils old Oxo space

The new Escafé has opened. The official day was Monday, February 20, the day before a reporter/photographer stopped in to take a look. While the old Escafé space– ensconced by the Omni since 1995– was two bays in a historic storefront, this one is the old Oxo space, a Water Street warehouse repurposed for dining back in the early 1990s. (Escafé itself was a mild repurposing of Eastern Standard, one of the trio of distinctive eateries established by former fashion photographer Ken Mori in the late 1980s.) One highlight of the new Escafé is a bar whose underside gently morphs– like the lights of a Jacuzzi– with a changing palette of color.

Read more on: escafe restaurant


Great work Todd and crew!!!

Funny, in some ways it looks like the first restaurant in that space. And if I recall, Eastern Standard was the white tablecloth upstairs and escafe the casual downstairs. They tried to do a C & O type thing...

It's a friendly, welcoming space with multiple levels to enjoy and a fun circulation pattern. Though they need mirrors so I don't have to keep twisting my neck to see all the beautiful people walking in. Todd and his many friends have done a GREAT job.