Staved off: Cracker Barrel bypasses Fifth Street

The red dirt out by the Holiday Inn on Fifth Street has recently been raising some eyebrows. But what won't be raised anytime soon is the developer's intended target: the combination southern foodery and gift shop concept that has over 600 locations in 42 states.

"Cracker Barrel was supposed to go there," says developer Katurah Roell. "But they decided Charlottesville was not enough town for them. They said college towns don't normally perform well for them."

Roell, perhaps best known as the man proposing a Downtown Mall-sized complex in downtown Crozet, says he spent six months negotiating with Cracker Barrel and getting positive signals from County government before the company took a pass.

"We have locations in college towns across the country," says Cracker Barrel spokesperson Jeanne Ludington naming such celebrated cities as State College, Gainesville, Bloomington, and Madison. Home to Randolph College, Liberty University, and the appropriately named Lynchburg College, the Virginia college city of Lynchburg also has a Cracker Barrel.

While declining to reveal reasons for passing any particular site, Ludington noted such factors as visibility, access, pricing, and proximity to existing Cracker Barrels, of which Virginia currently has 31 including a pair in nearby Staunton and Waynesboro.

"It doesn't mean that won't ever come to Charlottesville," says Ludington, "but this time we decided not to come to that site."

As passing drivers have noticed, that site, consisting of about 3.5 acres, has recently had trees felled, with additional fill materials and infrastructure on the way.

"It does have great visibility and backs up to the interstate, and when it's filled, it will be level with Fifth Street," says Roell, noting that the site is part of a larger parcel he optioned from the Maine-based owner of the Holiday Inn.

The developer notes the property straddles Biscuit Run. That's the stream, not the proposed state park or the controversial corporate bail-out whose backers, incidentally, recently signaled a desire to put a shopping center nearby along the horse-shoe bend on Moore's Creek.

Roell says he finds the decision by Cracker Barrel short-sighted and mentions that he's delighted to field offers from other restaurant companies.

"Everyone on the south side of town," Roell says, "would love to have a restaurant."

–story updated 2:43pm February 24 to correct number of restaurants in Virginia and add Cracker Barrel's perspective (also: "Staved off" substituted for "Empty nest" as headline.)

Read more on: cracker barrel


Quel dommage.

College towns do not do well. Perhaps that means that the educated avoid eating at that joint.

Olive garden perfect.....

Romano's Macaroni Grill would be OK too.

Ovile Garden nasty.....

Real southerners do breakfast right. Cracker Barrell has a nice breakfast.

PLEASE bring an Olive Garden Restaurant! We have been asking for one in Charlottesville for YEARS!

Prior to well-publicized lawsuits filed in 1999, 2001, and 2006, Cracker Barrel had an apparently deserved reputation for racial discrimination. It's hard to know what they're thinking, but it stands to reason that they might be concerned about such allegations arising again (justified or not) in an enlightened, University-centered city like Charlottesville.

Olive Garden: Italian for rednecks.

Maggiano's please better than Olive Garden!!

Carrabba's before an Olive Garden, please.

Too bad, first his company is stymied by the ever powerful anti-dredge lobby, and now Cracker Barrel has said no go.

" Pat Enright and Katurah Roell want to get into the dredging business. "

Please put in an Olive Garden! I'd actually travel to that side of town if it opened there. Oh, and I'm not a redneck...actually finishing up a Master's Degree at UVA. Olive Garden is good, affordable food.

So common, a developer will come in, strip the land and then oops, the deal goes south. Should be a law against this but OOPs, the developers own the politicians.

glad to read this.Cracker Barrel belongs in the Valley,not here.Bring on the connector road to Avon Ext.!

What? Staunton and Waynesboro are bigger? Hogwash. How about California Pizza Kitchen? Love that place.

The Fifth Street location is such a logical site for a Cracker Barrel that I have been wondering for at least 15 years why there is NOT a Cracker Barrel there. I think nothing of the 30-mile drive to Waynesboro or the 38-mile jaunt to the Staunton restaurant. I am planning a visit to western Florida this spring, and the Cracker Barrel Roadway Map (now between my keyboard and my screen) is my primary planning document for the trip. A Cracker Barrel at 5th Street would be exceedingly successful. The company's stated reason for not building there is nonsense. A far more likely explanation is that it is concerned that the Charlottesville venue will draw so many customers away from the Waynesboro restaurant that the latter will be forced to close--and that's the last thing you want to admit to your patrons.

please get rid of that comment. I enjoy reading the hook and the comments but I don't want to go to a site that condones such language. Please.

I am not sure what planet the developer of this site came from, but Cville is the wrong demographic for a Cracker Barrel. Few middle class folks live in Cville anymore. They just can't afford it. We have driven service workers to the east and the west on 64 and to the north and the south on 29.

Cracker Barrel isn't diet food, it isn't fine cuisine and it isn't gourmet sandwiches. It appeals to folks who want a lot of food for a low price and they just don't have the palate to be discriminating when it comes to food. The Country Store, rocking chair, trash and trinkets environment isn't going to attract Biff and Muffy for brunch. This iteration of restaurant belongs in Greene County or Nelson County with all the rednecks who are keeping the cardiac unit at UVA Med Center in business.

Cville and Albemarle County should outlaw chain restaurants. The are not going to drive high-end real estate or the kind of people that Skip, Tripp, Trey, Weesie, Madison and Sara (no h) want to associate with in public.

One can only hope that gentle readers understand irony and satire! :-)
My ex and the piglets that she shired loved this place. Ah, the benefits of a nasty divorce!

"I am planning a visit to western Florida this spring, and the Cracker Barrel Roadway Map (now between my keyboard and my screen) is my primary planning document for the trip."

That's one of the saddest confessions I've ever read.

I've never eaten a meal at a Quacker Barrel. I can only imagine it is like most food away from home: sucks

While they were afraid to put it in words, I doubt 5th Street is the type of neighborhood they want to risk building a Cracker Barrel. The fact that the pancake house next door has to hire off duty cops to provide security might have been a free clue to Cracker Barrel.

The thought crossed my mind also. 5th St is not the easiest location to get to and if your on the west side you might as well go over the mountain. Perfect location for a snatch and grab and then hit 64 for a fast getaway.

Maybe my tastes have changed, but I took my son to Olive Garden at Potomac Mills a couple of months ago. The imagery closest to my experience was that of cattle gorging on salt licks.

I've had the occasion to eat twice at Cracker Barrels off the highway and I'm pretty sure they made me very uncomfortable driving afterwards.

The Red Lobster that was just erected in town was just as salt-laden as Olive Garden. You'd think seafood, right? Lobster is boiled and served with melted butter. Normally. But no, not this Red Lobster. There must be something in the corporate restaurant business that dictates the inclusion of all that salt.

Nah. The way to go is always to seek out a local restaurateur. Or if in a hurry, a Subway.

If anyone's fears are unspoken Gasbag, I think they're your own fears of places where people with darker skin than yours might outnumber you.

Cracker Barrel is not open late at night, so it's pretty unlikely that issues associated with catering to late night crowds make any difference to them. Hardee's, Burger King, Food Lion, The Municipal Band, and many many other business do just fine in that area. You really come off like a scared little girl when you post your paranoid nonsense.

This is sad news. Cracker Barrel gives a great breakfast at a good price. Food not to be eaten often, but once in a while is a fine treat. Also they are great for extremely long car trips; you can rent audio books from one Cracker Barrel and turn it in at another.

@A Cville/DC/NYC Foodie lol Thanks for a good snark to start the day. And yes we really don't need the feedbag grade establishments as Cville really doesn't have the demographic infill between trough grade (the 29 AUCE gauntlet) and chi-chi or wannabe places that keep leasing agents busy downtown.

The grocery store in the neighborhood has an armed guard and the collection of budget motels, fast food restaurants, gas stations and a waffle house don't exactly scream upper to mid level business--more low end sector.

I don't think Cracker Barrel cares about that--they are a destination unto themselves for highway travelers and locals who like alot of cheap greasy food and they probably don't care so much about the neighborhood--but alot of other chains do. My guess is that something like a Sheetz could go there-which seems about right.

Ever wonder why CHO does not have a great steak house?

Lack of performance in a college town seems like an odd statement. If you travel from here to Atlanta you go by dozens of CBs that are located on exits where the closest town of any sort may be a few miles away.

I understand, and expect, the food snobs' derisive comments about the hootenanny atmosphere of CB, but CB really isn't anymore déclassé than the fabricated decors at Applebys, TGIF, Buffetts, Outback, etc ad nauseum. If you are on the road and you want a reasonable sit down breakfast for $10 coupled with a reliable in-and-out time of 20 minutes, CB sure beats the fast food alternatives.

Could a Home Depot fit there?
I'd love to have some real options when shopping DIY.
Or an Ikea. Use due diligence on this one: some items are shovelware, but boy are there some good deals too.

Come to Zion Crossroads!!!

Popeyes or nothing. That's my vote.

Mr/Mrs/Miss saywha, I wasn't aware that Southwood now has more people of a darker color.

No, Charlottesville definitely isn't a "cracker barrel" kind of town - we are not a barrel of crackers.

There is a place to get your white paste and brown paste over at the Cracker Barrel in "The Valley" which, yes, is full of crackers.

It is not a "middle class" which is missing in Charlottesville, nor is that the Cracker Barrel clientele. This place could not be more cynically or ironically named.

Oh, and um, County Farmer - you don't think the Aberdeen Barn is a great steakhouse? What, you think a "Ruth's Chris" is better? Or is your taste in corporate ambience more along the lines of Texas Roadhouse, or Outback?

I always thought Cracker Barrel's model was to be along the highway and cater to travelers more than locals. Seems like you would people stopping at Monticello/UVA that might not go any farther west on 64.

That said, I doubt i would eat there.

aberdeen barn is good for charlottesville. it is middle of the pack on a national scale. dc has the palm, much better. as is ruths chris.

I liked the woods there best of all, but a Cracker Barrel would have been real nice.

"Roell says he finds the decision by Cracker Barrel– which already has four restaurants in Virginia including a pair in Staunton and Waynesboro– short-sighted and mentions that he's delighted to field offers from other restaurant companies."

There are actually 31 Cracker Barrels in VA. Did you mean in the Valley?

No one remember what happened to the two Aunt Sara's, a chain with pretty much the

I have been to AB twice and will never go back. I can eat leather at home.

"College towns don't perform well"? That's nonsense! The Cracker Barrel in Lynchburg is directly across the street from Liberty University and next to CVCC, and it's packed to the gills every hour it's open. I could care less about the Cracker Barrel, the Blue Moon Diner is far superior, but don't blow smoke up our a$$es! Developers my foot, just a bunch of carpetbaggers.

Some of you speak as if you're too good to eat at Cracker Barrel... then don't. I'm sure corperate will be so concerned that you "food critics" find their food is not up to the local standard. If you don't like it don't eat it. This is America and you do have that choice. When is the last time you ate at a chain restaurant? Because Applebees for drinks and appetizers counts. Just because you're educated does not mean you have a better understanding of what food should be. I'm all for local business but not everything can be local. Where did you get your car? Because it wasn't manufactured in Cville... You people are like a bunch of kids fighting over a toy that isn't even yours... Grow up.

Cracker Barrel is just as authentic as Olive Garden. Cracker Barrel ain't country and Olive Garden ain't Italian. But they do a good impression.

@ WOW...This has nothing to do with being "too good to eat at Cracker Barrel". The food at Cracker Barrel isn't all that good. When there are lot's of great local options, why settle for sub-par, made from a box, chain restaurant food? It isn't awful and it certainly has it's place in the food chain. Just not MY food chain. Why bother being offended by where people choose to eat? Slow day or what? Get over yourself...

I augmented the story to give some company perspective.--hawes spencer

All I'm saying is Cracker Barrel was initially designed for interstate travelers... Hence the reason for wanting to put it off of the fifth street exit. The residents are what sway that boundary I guess. I could care less if they do or don't. I just stumbled upon this article and some of the comments came off a bit snoody. In the same respect I also understand their right to free speech as well as my own.

i wonder how many people are posting their righteous indignation about big corporate chain restaurants from a starbucks with their macbook pro.


@ MightyHorse...the only righteous indignation is yours, about people giving their opinion on Cracker Barrel. I haven't seen any bashing of Cracker Barrel, just people saying they don't care much for the food. If anyone sounds jaded, it's you.

@ WOW...I didn't mean to come off so harsh. You're right, we're all right, it's an opinion. Like it or not, it is what it is.

With regards to steak houses...The Downtown Grille does a very nice job.

And, hey now,'s a Mac Book Air thankyouverymuch. And I'm not in Starbucks!

I got my latte to go this time.

Ha! Thanks for the Downtown Grille tip!

Perfect place for a Strip Club!

@omgitspaul "haven't seen" or "choose not to see"? several posts in this thread reek of classism. i don't disagree that the food at blue moon or bluegrass grill is probably better. but not everyone in this town can afford to eat at places like that on a regular basis.

@ MightyHorse...Fair enough. Been kicking around the comment boards long enough to know you're right about that. I had a knee-jerk reaction to a perceived insult. TGIF! I need a drink...

@omgitspaul no worries. as i recall, C.B. doesn't serve beer. so that's reason enough for me to avoid em ;)

Shempdaddy, non-resident taxpayer and omgitspaul commentors have all locked the answers' board for clicking in simultaneously. Your correct Jeopardy Questions will all be credited to your game "buy local" balance.

Screw the Olive Garden (which they'll probably wind up putting in within Stonefield across town anyhow) BRING ON A SONIC DRIVE-INN, YEAH!!!

Now back to "double secret probation" for anything that dare (to the better than average elites-veggies-zerogrowthers) look, smell or taste like SPRAWL! With apologies to Kurt Cobain, it seems like "developer spirit."

Doesn't meet their business model..which is an extrememly successful one indeed.

I am sure that they do not miss those who do not stop, as the parking lots are generally full at feeding time and in between

There is so much room for ALL of these places. Every time I drive down 29 many of the shopping plazas are becoming ghost towns! (The plaza across from Fashion Square is nearly empty now as is the shopping center behind Outback where Circuit City used to be). If you don't like these chain type of places, fine! Don't eat there! But there is plenty of room for all of these places throughout Charlottesville!! (Not that it will ever happen, but in my Cville fantasy dream world). My question is, why do our city planners seem to be taking this town backwards rather than moving forward!? About a decade ago this place seemed like the model of modernization of a small city. I really think that stopped like 5 years ago.

County Farmer,if you call AB prime rib leather,you're full of it.

Shoppers World is getting empty because the owner isn't renewing the leases, they seem to want everyone out.

What is so wonderful is that most of you have enough money to open any restaurant anywher so you have no real influence over what restaurants locate where. Nancy Drew and Say What, you aren't not getting through to the retards. Glad to know you're still around. Hawes, I know that you know that there are a myriad of reason why a business would choose not to locate in a particular place. You just start these conversations to keep you laughing and keep you young. In forty years it's going to catch up on you.

WHAT ARE THE OLD PEOPLE GOING TO DO!!!!?? Cross the rail road tracks? There are many different people living in Charlottesville, and I believe Charlottesville has a right to accomodate every nataionality not everyone has a craving for grass milkshakes at the local health food store. To me this is what America is, a place of all different walks of life sharing with those who are curious, opening the world up so we have freedoms to everything we want to do in life.

This is so sad. Now, the "perfect date" in Charlottesville is ruined for me! I cannot take her to Siips for a lovely glass of wine, followed by a sumptuous dinner at Cracker Barrel, then some GI purge action at Jefferson's great Rotunda to honor the Living Wage cause, and end it by bringing her back to the Red Carpet Inn on 29 North! This is quite tragic!

R.I.P.: Thurman Munson

@Peter & @County Farmer - the Prime Rib at the Barn is most certainly as good as what I've had at the Ruth's Chris chain. I have never had anything approaching "leather" there. Do you order your steak more done than med-rare? If so, you have no one but yourself to blame. I haven't eaten at The Palm in DC.

@omgitspaul - I think your observation says much more about the palates at CVCC and Liberty "University" than anything else vis-a-vis UVa...I wonder if it says something about more than just the taste buds? I think highly processed big-box chain feed-bag paste is a pretty uniform (consistent) yardstick (indeed, it's that consistency - the model pioneered by HoJos - which makes it appealing and repulsive at the same time).

On the class-ism:

For those who feel put-down by us "elitists": sorry, some people have taste, some don't; it's like talent or intelligence - the $deity doesn't hand them out in an egalitarian fashion. What is it the faux populists always like to jump up and down about..something along the lines of equality of opportunity, not equality of outcome? I personally love all types of food and am a patron of Tip-Top, a former patron of The Tavern and also of places like Duner's, Blue Moon, l'Etoile, Petit Pois, etc. I judge them by what they present themselves to be - by the yardstick the restaurant sets. The Tavern did not pretend to be Duners.

I don't find "homestyle" food objectionable at all - I find pretentious marketing objectionable. Downtown Grille is a fantastic example of "EPIC FAIL" on that front - grossly overpriced for the caliber of the food they serve. It's a good steak, much better than what you'd get at Western Sizzlin, but not proportionate to what you pay. It is not any better than the AB, for sure. If you want valet parking and a trendy interior, sure, it beats the Barn, but that's what you're paying extra for, not better food.

Cracker Barrel - in fact all the big corporate 'casual dining' chains - are sterile, low quality food - mostly highly refined starch. It is a safe source of high calorie input and not much else. As noted above, the country store kitsch is entirely fake; that's the pretension. The food processors who manufacture the stuff they re-heat and sling are almost certainly the same ones who supply places like Tip-Top, Jack-n-Jill, The Texas Inn (Lynchburg), etc. Sorry you can't taste that - Sysco is Sysco (google it) - and are taken with the fake country store kitsch. Here's a little old-school, Solid American Values wisdom for you: a fool and their money are soon parted. When I'm in the mood for that 'homestyle' food, I'd rather hit a place owned and operated by a local entrepreneur than a corporate joint.

"Nonsense," you are so right on! That's why Cville is in this pretentious mess to begin with! I wish people would stop acting like they are so above establishments like this and spinning their wheels on how to shut down new growth and development. There are plenty of people in this area who would patronize these places.

@ DeeLight...No one stopped them from coming to town. They chose not to open here. No one wants to shut down new growth, they just want the new growth to be quality rather than quantity. I'm sure you're right, there are a lot of people who would eat at Cracker Barrel. That's cool. Why does everyone get their feathers ruffled when others have an opinion that differs from their own? Personally, I could care less if Cracker Barrel comes to town, that doesn't mean I'm against it...

"I wish people would stop acting like they are so above establishments like this and spinning their wheels on how to shut down new growth and development."

I don't think people are against growth, they are against sprawl. They also want a livable balanced community. With the number of vacant stores and spaces, its a good plan to fill those with new businesses before ripping up trees and fields to add more. Just common sense that.

Charlottesville has plenty of restaurants, and while it is true that many are overpriced and snooty, the CB isn't going to improve on that. Same for the county. What the City needs is more business suited towards daily living, and family convenience. Oh, and ones that provide real jobs with benefits.

Seems to me that "good" economic development work would drive potential stores of any kind to the vacant real estate that is popping up all over town. It also seems that Cville and the Albemarle County don't really play well together. This is certainly true for Staunton and Augusta County. Economic Development in the City of Staunton is a joke. There are empty stores all over town and all the Economic Development folks can talk about is building more retail space to sit empty on green, vacant land that ought to stay green and not be paved over. Downtown Staunton is starting to look like a ghost town, Many empty stores and too many stores that sell things that most people just don't need. And two stores are advertising in their windows that they are for sale.

Seems as if the developers and the politicians in all of central Virginia have their hands in each other's pockets. And they do it in clever ways. Look at the folks appointed to zoning and planning boards from Richmond to Monterey, They are the attorneys and bankers who profit from legal fees and loans to the developers.

The only other stupid thing we seem to do in this state is to save every building of the most insignificant historical value. We really don't need any more museums, homes or schools preserved. If these buildings can be turned to adaptive use, let's do that, but not with tax schemes that keep the lawyers and bankers in high cotton. Cville and the Valley don't need anymore chain stores, eateries or paved over green space. The best development is no development.

This would be a good spot for a garbage transfer station. I'm a contractor and sick of driving to Zion freaking Crossroads to go to Vanderlooney's.

Isn't it strange that people are on here debating about their tastes and restaraunts of choice?

sorry, restaurants

Caesonia - "Charlottesville has plenty of restaurants, and while it is true that many are overpriced and snooty, the CB isn't going to improve on that. Same for the county. What the City needs is more business suited towards daily living, and family convenience. Oh, and ones that provide real jobs with benefits."

Well said!

Fifty years ago the entrance and drive way up to the Willoghby house came out here and winded its way though the swamp then up the hill side to Dr. Charles Hurt's house.

To bad. CB draws many cars off the interstate and locals from the surrounding area which in turn helps out other businesses. Travel routes are planned according to CB locations because of fair pricing and food consistency. I do not recall hearing about trips being planned around the Artisan Locally Grown Food with TV Subtitles restaurant.

I guess Waynesboro will just have to roll in the money and keep expanding their selection of stores.

A missed opportunity for a company with a great business plan. sigh.

It never ceases to amaze me that people sitting at computers that are most certainly connected to the internet will make statements regarding their own ignorance about so many subjects. There is a wealth of information about practically anything readily accessible via Google with fewer keystrokes than it takes to proclaim ignorance.

For example, I went to and entered the three words, (no quotes if you try this at home) "local," "food," and "tourism." Almost instantly I had in front of me a lengthy and thorough discussion of the subject of trips being planned around "Artisan Locally Grown Food." The title of the paper is "Food Tourism and the Culinary Tourist." It is most easily found by searching for its title.

The venerable Wikipedia even has an entry on the subject of "culinary tourism." It begins: "Culinary tourism or food tourism is experiencing the food of the country, region or area, and is now considered a vital component of the tourism experience. Dining out is common among tourists and "food is believed to rank alongside climate, accommodation, and scenery" in importance to tourists."

I guess Waynesboro will just have to roll in the money and keep expanding their selection of stores.

Bwahahahaha...did you write that with a straight face? Sure, Waynesboro...that's where everyone goes for shopping variety and interesting stores! Of course, CB brings lots of business traffic in off of the interstate: we could definitely use a few more convenience stores on 5th Extended peddling cigs, sugar and lotto.

People who like CB-style food do and will continue to plan their trips using the CB locator maps. Those of us who don't will continue to plan our trips around the availability of interesting local food - for example, a BBQ route or a locivore route - and fortunately for all of us involved, we will get to avoid one another.

Travel routes are planned around the most direct highways between two points. Unless, of course, someone is looking to experience various places along a route and arriving at the endpoint of a trip is not the only reason for the trip. In which case, I'd expect those travelers to seek out local places they can't find at most any highway interchange. Now, stops might be planned around a Cracker Barrel....but probably they're planned more around distance and time.

Also....TV Subtitles Restaurant? What?

That three acres will be surrouded by dismal swamp. No matter how much you landscape, etc, the three acres will be next to swampland. That just sucks. White man holds the high ground, and white man eats at restaurants that hold high ground. This is dead real estate.

non-resident taxpayer, you are our Final Jeopardy Champion.
Okay, good for your objectionable(ness) to pretentious marketing. Too bad the rest of the masses can't follow your noblesse oblige. No hesitation to tell the rest of us what denotes "elite" but, then you likely reside some place elsewhere. Hey, most likely not Wertland Street or Prospect Avenue? Still correctness is correctness, despite whether and how someone decides to hold it above others.

In the field of gastronomy where I'm just a low-life, you sir (madam or miss) are obviously (or should be) a certified connoisseur. Obviously, your tastebuds define the "fine" in refined ( in eccentric, not reprocessed.) Yet, you know where the Texas Inn is in Lynchburg?!! I'm simultaneously impressed and flabbergasted. So, its certain you can't be induced into scarfing down any of those landmark chili-dogs. Yeah, what would it take for you to woof one in front of everybody on this board here?!! Oh please, uh-huh, you won't be bought to do so for any price. Sure.

Sysco, huh? You're totally entitled to be embedded with the unalterable knowledege you hold fast upon and permanently onto. I'm neither a "bubble boy" nor "imunno-deficient" but a "STERILE" palate sometimes is something someone might have by design or ill fate. You said "Sorry you can't taste that." NO YOUR NOT! You are already consumed with everything you taste for yourself and what you are used to. You are simply somewhere solely different on the culture scale from where all else diverge. Fine, but don't even slightly try to mold the rest of us into replicating your tastebuds! I can live with mine quite as they are without the sophisticating intervention, thank you.

Caesonia: You've said the secret word, "SPRAWL!" It is with ongoing amazement, how anti-growth indoctrinated vigilantes weild influence and control upon every minute aspect of Charlottesville business from planning to store hours and all in between. The prevaling view looks like they've been successful in more than any wildest dream. Sure, there's got to be some cognizable regulation but not to the insane level of stymieing practical establishment.

Recovering Attorney said "the best developement is no developement." Everyone here make this your note to self: do not buy a bridge offered from this man. With this sort of disincentive, the decades of excess plan designated "high-density" residential for zoning should have long acomplished the sought desired results and affects. However, we still suffer malingering afforable housing and insufficient businesses adding to a UVa dominated job base. I'm reluctant to put together words here in the same sentence as "Prosperity" and The "Corner." Looked at another way, how many NEW car dealerships (Free Bridge Auto doesn't count) are located directly in the city limits? Oh but snap, there's a teaming market for bicycles AND UPTOWN RESTAURANTS.

Those being sensible can't shake the regard, were there more business there'd be additional jobs. By "more," do you suppose diversity was something that was intendedly meant too?!! Well, that just isn't happening nor foreseeable in Charlottesville. Seems the concern of restricting sporadic big box commercial structures trumps encouraging any sound business interest. That is unless it is like a Whole Foods Store willing to relocate! Then like lemmings, we indulge ferial rampant conniptions toward every flippant aspersion of sprawl, that has sights and construction contractors greedily awaiting to blight the address next door.

So we can readily demonstrate instead of going up to our individual employers and ask for A LIVING WAGE! Of course, if it was a protest against the high prices to live and not the sources of salaries, there'd be no villian for an excuse to burns as an effigy. What would someone burn as an effigy for high prices? Isn't there plenty of those being burned elsewhere already where such shouldn't be? At least CB won't be contributing to such an effigy through Charlottesville's revenue collection. I'm sure your favorite upscale neighborhood eating place will cheerfully pick up the slack of tax payment lost to the city from them. Only, I wouldn't recommend informing such a place as Virginia Wayside Chicken this has the potential of raising theirs.