Forgotten love is rekindled in 'The Vow'

The Vow is a well-behaved, tenderhearted love story about impossibly nice people. It's not even about whether they'll get married. They've been happily married for four years. The problem is, she can't remember them. She can't even remember her husband.

Paige and Leo are a young Chicago couple. She's a Lake Forest blue-blood who angered her parents by dropping out of Northwestern Law School, moving into the city, and enrolling at the School of the Art Institute, where she sculpts clay into such forms that Leo mistakes a pile of fresh clay for one of her artworks. Leo has opened an independent recording studio, arguing that although everyone may be able to produce songs on their laptops, he can aim higher – at the heights of an old Sun session, for example.

They live happily. They are in love. She is estranged from her parents. They look great together, and played by Rachel McAdams and Channing Tatum, why shouldn't they? The actors bring a dreamy warmth to the roles. Then one snowy night they're rear-ended by a truck. He wakes up in the hospital. She remains in a drug-induced coma to assist her brain in reducing its swelling. When she recovers, she has no memory of ever meeting or being married to Leo.Full review.

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