Battle royale: Massive kids' med center rises


Workers move materials into place for the $141 million Battle Building at the University of Virginia Children’s Hospital on West Main Street recently. The seven-story, 180,000 square-foot structure will change the face of the street that connects the Corner district and the Downtown Mall.


The new building and its attendant green space will eventually lead to the demolition of the nearby Blake Center, a seven-story brick medical office building now holding the corner at Jefferson Park Avenue.

Read more on: Battle Building


Sorry, but a hospital for sick kids just doesn't belong on the corner of U Ave and JPA. It belongs on a site where there could be a playground, a lot of green space and fresh air.The design is horrible. It looks like an uglier stepsister to the main hospital. Come on folks, take a drive out to Pantops and see what good design is. MJH is doing everything right and UVA continues to do everything wrong. And where are the $$$$ coming from in this economy in a state that can't even pass a budget? The kids in this state deserve better than this mess!

Since it's a children's hospital and given the content of a a well known movie named Battle Royale, it makes your headline a bit inappropriate, a slight tweak may be in order.