Big windowless: Stonefield's Regal makes its mark

The new Regal Entertainment 14-screen theater rises on Hydraulic Road, a powerful symbol of cinematic enthusiasm in a town that hasn't seen a new movie place since the 1996 opening of the downtown Regal six-screener. These pictures were taken April 13, shortly before the structure at the upcoming Stonefield shopping center was wrapped with green plastic sheeting. The new facility, which will obviate a nearby Regal four-plex standing in the way of the planned Hillsdale Drive Connector, will offer digital projection and rocking stadium seating in every cinema.

Read more on: Regal Cinemas


I saw my last theate rmovie there. Some silyy sci-fy tripe with Bruce Willis and Chris Tucker. Cured me of theater movies.

The Fifth Element. Ok, Chris Tucker is very very annoying but didn't Mila Jovavich offset that? I think it's a classic.

Someone ought to sve that 1980's mural in the lobby of the old theatre, the one of all the then young movie stars

Bring the mural, I just hope the piss smell stays over there at the old theater...



I miss the cheapo theater on Greenbriar. Now, the movie prices are getting so outrageous, I prefer to wait for the good ones at Redbox.