Under the bridge

Read more on: belmont bridge


Speaking of "under a bridge"... does anyone know why 9 of the 30 homeless promised a place at the Crossings are still on the street? Seems cruel and unusual to promise shelter to vulnerable people and then not deliver. Why isn't the media talking about this?

Because they are terrified of trolls.

It was reported that drinking and smoking will be allowed in the apartments. Given that, the perspective clients will have to be vetted quite thoroughly. Having some experience with these types of venues, management has to be proactive to respect the rights of those who live there.

But that will be difficult for them if they are terrified of trolls. Clearly the largest of the Three Billy Goats Gruff must be actively seduced to join the management team.

When you say "perspective clients," from which end of the telescope are you suggesting that they be viewed?