McDonnell to BOV: Make a final decision or else

Gov. Bob McDonnell issued a statement today demanding a decision from the UVA Board of Visitors on who will be President of the University by Tuesday, or else he will demand their resignations on Wednesday. He also sent a letter to members of the BOV, which is available below.

"Let me be absolutely clear: I want final action by the board on Tuesday. If you fail to do so, I will ask for the resignation of the entire board on Wednesday," the statement says. "Regardless of your decision I expect you to make a clear, detailed and unified statement on the future leadership of the university." 

McDonnell, who has maintained a hands-off approach to the events unfolding at UVA, will apparently evoke a state law that allows him to fire school board members for incompetence, or gross neglect of duty. McDonnell also urged the BOV not to make a decision based on outside pressures, either from the media or the University community, and to decide for themselves what is best.

As previously reported, the BOV has scheduled a meeting for Tuesday, June 26 to decide who will run the University.

While McDonnell said he wanted to be absolutely clear on his desire for a resolution, his statement provoked instant efforts to read meaning into the various points he made.

Rector Helen Dragas chose to use the Governor's message as a launchpad for yet another of her own: "I appreciate the Governor's leadership in affirming the importance of Board governance, and that we alone are appointed to make these decisions on behalf of the University, free of influence from outside political, personal or media pressure."

If only the governor himself could leap free of political pressure. He has taken $100,000 from Paul Tudor Jones, a deep-pocketed man who helped fund the local basketball stadium and who has the ear of Helen Dragas, according to sources. And, according to sources, after making a $12 million yoga center pledge and while not dissuading the possibility of a potential nine-figure donation, Jones allegedly played a role in the ouster of Sullivan.

Waldo Jaquith, a Charlottesville-based information expert with experience both in the White House and with Virginia's General Assembly reveals via Twitter Friday night, June 22, that a reliable source in the governor's office informs him that McDonnell intends to reappoint embattled Rector Dragas when her term expires at the end of the month.

"Cue spit takes," says an incredulous Jaquith, as he and his Twitter followers then begin a discussion of the wisdom behind such a gubernatorial strategy. Tuesday night emails to two of the governor's press aides were returned with this from one of them:

"The governor will make his decisions about board appointments in late June or early July."

Jaquith tweets his take on a scenario with Sullivan reinstated and Dragas reappointed, even after he theorizes that the governor is merely floating the idea to gain conservative bonafides in a run the national presidential veepstakes: "For Sullivan, the only thing better than Dragas gone is Dragas staying. Vanquished, but unable to even slink away."

--updated 7:25am June 23

Attached Documents: 
This story is a part of the The ousting of a president special.


Please! Bob is both trying to stay out of the fray (i.e., he will take no position in an effort to save his political capital) BUT will threaten the BOV that he wants "final action by the board on Tuesday. If you fail to do so, I will ask for the resignation of the entire board on Wednesday."

He doesn't say what "final action" he expects. Oh, how slick of Bobby.

Freakin' weasel.

No surprise.

The governor is still showing poor leadership. Ms. Sullivan will not return if Ms. Dragas is still on BOV, therefore, by not demanding and getting Ms. Dragas' resignation or announcing that she will not be reappointed, the governor leaves the power still in Ms. Dragas' hands. The BOV may not be able to discuss in a special meeting a demand for Ms. Dragas' resignation (it can only discuss the specific topic for which the meeting was called, and the wording calling the special meeting is open to interpretation), so if Ms. Dragas hangs tough, a vote at the special meeting to reinstate Ms. Sullivan could be moot.
If, as he says, he wants everyone to calm down, he had the power to make that happen today, and shirked his responsibility to do so,for the good of the University, the commonwealth, and the Charlottesville community.
The Rally for Honor at 2 p.m. on the Lawn on Sunday now becomes even more important. Please attend and urge others to, as well.

I wouldn't call it slick. He pretty much had to act at this point, and did.

Here's the letter to the board, in its entirety.

In his statement Gov Bob referred to the fact that a 2/3 vote required for the removal of the President was not taken. So, does that mean that Dragas' demand for President Sullivan's resignation was in violation of University rules of governance? Does that mean that the President's resignation is moot and immaterial? Was Gov Bob telegraphing his opinion that the actions of Dragas and the BOV have been illegitimate? Or pushing Dragas to get her colation up to 2/3, not the majority assumed in all of the previous discussion?
If Gov Bob is correct on the 2/3 requirment I'm puzzled that this did not come up prior to today.

Weak!!! Like it or not this is McDonnell's mess now and it's up to HIM to show some leadership. If he's going to be demanding resignations, why doesn't he just do the right thing and demand Dragas's NOW?

Technically, the President was not removed; she resigned. The Board accepted her resignation. Hence the need for a 2/3 vote is irrelevant. (You don't need a 2/3 majority to accept a resignation--only to fire someone).


The 2/3 vote he refers to is the 11-vote "super-majority" required in the BofV manual for a vote to oust a president. There was no 2/3 vote to oust the president or ask her to resign. There was no vote by the full board to accept her resignation.

The only vote was the 12-1 (2 abstain, 1 absent) vote Tuesday morning to name Dean Z the interim president. That was the confirmed public vote in open session of the vote taken in closed session. There was NO other confirmation vote in public session, meaning there was never a vote on whether or not to accept her resignation.

To my mind, that means that the question the BofV will vote on Tuesday afternoon is "Do we accept the resignation of Teresa Sullivan as president?" And my reading of the manual makes me think that is just a simple majority vote of the 15 Visitors.

Does anyone else who may be much more familiar with Roberts have a better interpretation??

@A at 630 pm: But did the full board vote to accept her resignation?? Did the three Executive Committee members on Sunday, June 10, actually VOTE to accept her resignation?

I honestly don't know.

I do know that the only vote taken in open session Tuesday morning, to confirm the action taken in executive session, was to appoint Dean Z as interim.

Please, correct me if I'm wrong.


I am way on the right of the political spectrum, and I voted for Mr. McDonnell.

Sadly, if I would have been able to check his back prior to supporting him, I might have realized that he was born without a spine!

I will never ever vote for or support him again. He has shown a complete lack of leadership, and he is trying to diplomatically weasel out of having to make any tough decisions.

Surely the BOV keeps minutes of ALL meetings. Are they available to the public?

Snoop, they would have to be compiled by the Secretary of the BofV, presented to the full board at a subsequent meeting for review and then approved. Only then would the Secretary post them on the Visitors website.

They keep minutes, except when they do not allow notetakers, which apparently they did not allow in the closed marathon session of last Monday-Tuesday -- I believe I read that in more than one news source.

This is a deeply disappointing letter from the Guv, masquerading as a ballsy stand. He heaps praise upon a BOV that monumentally fumbled and that has thus inflicted severe damage on the University. He swipes at faculty twice (in the 1st paragraph of 2nd page and in the 3rd of his list of demands at the end) for putting "outside pressure" on the supposedly sovereign BOV, who alone "possess the complete information necessary to make these very important personnel decisions." He can't resist throwing in an off-the-point paragraph tooting his own horn (pick me for Veep! pick me!). He demands a "clear explanation" of whatever decision the board makes, but ten bucks says that Dragas's PR firm could issue another vague, cliche-ridden press release that says nothing of substance, and McDonnell would give in an A+ for clarity. And he seems more upset with the board's "leaks to media regarding closed sessions, and vacillating positions" than with the fact that Dragas dodged open-meetings laws in putting together her coup. He complains about the "lack of transparency" but he says NOTHING about the unethical methods she used to build her coalition and to hoodwink successive board members into believing there was a groundswell among the BOV, rather than it all simply being Helen, Mark Kington, Paul Tudor Jones, and Peter Kiernan behind it. And finally..."with warm regards"??? Really? he has warm feelings for the board right now? How cozy....keep those campaign donations rolling in!

With respect to Helen Dragas who is now out with another Hill & Knowlton missive, I am reminded of Oliver Cromwell's speech on the dissolution of the Long Parliament:

It is high time for me to put an end to your sitting in this place, which you have dishonored by your contempt of all virtue, and defiled by your practice of every vice; ye are a factious crew, and enemies to all good government; ye are a pack of mercenary wretches, and would like Esau sell your country for a mess of pottage, and like Judas betray your God for a few pieces of money.

Is there a single virtue now remaining amongst you? Is there one vice you do not possess? Ye have no more religion than my horse; gold is your God; which of you have not barter'd your conscience for bribes? Is there a man amongst you that has the least care for the good of the Commonwealth?

Ye sordid prostitutes have you not defil'd this sacred place, and turn'd the Lord's temple into a den of thieves, by your immoral principles and wicked practices? Ye are grown intolerably odious to the whole nation; you were deputed here by the people to get grievances redress'd, are yourselves gone! So! Take away that shining bauble there, and lock up the doors.

In the name of God, go!

@ Logan and Freddi
Sorry, Apparently I had a memory lapse....again! Darn, I hate getting old!

So....let me get this straight. The closed marathon session of last Monday-Tuesday has NO official written or recorded record of what went on?

Good piece just put up on line in the Washington Post--

How could Teresa Sullivan agree to stay without knowing whether or not Helen Dragas will be reappointed by the governor on July 1? By demanding action on Tuesday without clarifying his position on the Dragas reappointment the governor has put Sullivan in an impossible situation. Which may have been his plan all along?

Dragas responds to McDonnell's wimpy ultimatum--find the text at the Cav Daily. My favorite line? "I appreciate the Governor’s leadership in affirming the importance of Board governance, and that we alone are appointed to make these decisions on behalf of the University, free of influence from outside political, personal or media pressure."

But full of influence, apparently, from Paul Tudor Jones! Boycott the JPJ!

I love a good Cromwell quote. But let's remember that prior to this dissolution the real work was done at gunpoint by Col. Thomas Pride.

That is, Cromwell was a self-rightous thug, though quite good at it.

I know the history, well at least some of it. But, the speech was also paraphrased in 1940 to urge Neville Chamberlain's ouster so I'll stick with it.

How anyone could believe anything out of McDonnell is beyond me. This is HIS baby he birthed (think there was a vaginal ultrasound involved?) and he gave birth to one ugly creature that he's still trying to tell everyone is the most perfect newborn around. His behavior and deafening silence has SCREAMED his involvement in it from the get-go. He is clearly unwilling to release hold of it: his scheme was *this* close to being pulled off unnoticed, so he, like Dragas, keeps up the platitudes about his great platform on education (that would be the "rape and pillage the institutions of higher education in Virginia" platform. Wonder if they use a vaginal ultrasound if you get pregnant from that?)
I'm glad to hear my conservative friends who were duped into thinking Ol' Bobby Boy was a great guy since he cloaked himself in religion (he's a man of god! How could be bad!!) are now seeing him for what he is: a sleaze bag.

It is like he is admonishing them like a parent to children. Sometimes leadership doesn't take waving a big club at people. Rolling up your sleeves, GBM, and facilitating the fence mending is what we need at UVA. That's not micromanagement. It is leadership on behalf of your constituency and for one of your state's economic and intellectual engine drivers. Good grief.

The strategically absent Governor McDonnell is now overcompensating and letting his temper get the best of him so as to prove himself to be an executive? The Visitors were already on their way towards fixing what they broke, they found that they had no need for the Governor and had already set out a course of action. Then the Governor quite rudely interjects with a rather vitriolic statement. His first action as Governor in regards to this mess wasn't very well thought out because it was borne of frustration -- I believe the Governor was fully apprised and in support of the Dragas Conspiracy prior to its delivery. It was well timed to give him cover of distance but it didn't go as smooth as he would have liked because he was misinformed; Dragas likely told him that she had a unanimous Board in support of their takeover plan.

Good point globe.

globe, I'm pretty sure the governor was dynamically, strategically abent on this issue.

/just to hit all the buzzwords....

Governor McDonnell does not get it.
The reasonable solution to the UVA debacle is
Dragas must go and Sullivan needs to be reinstated.
His political aspirations - as they were - are dead in the water as
far as I'm concerned.

It's almost over - the Governor says fix it Tuesday or you fired on Wednesday and you folks whine still? While what happen to UVA and Sullivan is bad many here demand reveal a sense of entitlement that runs counter to any rational expectation . Stay Calm - relax - it will soon be over.

Does the governor even have the power to fire members of the Board of Visitors who have not completed their term? Or can he just make his public demand for resignations, that can be ignored by the BOV members?

Anybody know?

Harry, yes, he does. Under Code, he can remove any board member for misfeasance, malfeasance or dereliction of duty.

I fear that next week will be a dark time for the University. The conservative philosophy of the American Council of Trustees and Alumni (a partner organization of the Charles Koch Institute) will take over at UVa. This group advocates that trustees and alumni should take an active role in reshaping higher education and that governors are ideally positioned to push these changes through their board appointments. This philosophy is clearly articulatedin the letter from the Governor:

“Third, make your decisions without regard to any outside personal, political, or media pressure. Your decisions should be based solely on the best interests of the University. While public input is important and should be given due consideration, it is not the responsibility of the faculty, staff, alumni, donors other parties – or even the Governor – to manage the University. Members of the board are the only individuals who possess complete information necessary to make these very important personnel decisions. “

Echoed by the response from Rector Dragas:

“I appreciate the Governor’s leadership in affirming the importance of Board governance, and that we alone are appointed to make these decisions on behalf of the University, free of influence from outside political, personal or media pressure.”

And championed by the ACTA president Anne Neal:

“So, far from bemoaning the trustees’ action, it’s time to praise them. Too often boards have been nothing more than rubber stamps. It’s time for trustees around the country to take note and follow suit. UVA is far from alone; the economic challenges it faces are small compared to those facing states such as California. But if the trustees stay the course, the university will be better off for their efforts.”
There is no conspiracy here. ACTA has been very public in their agenda for higher education and their support for the actions by the UVa BoV. Unfortunately, their financial backing gives them access to decision makers, like Governor’s and trustees, that the rest of do not.'sBrochure.pdf

What we have are forums like this one on The Hook (thanks Hawes Spencer for giving us something).

I strongly oppose this direction for UVa and my only hope is that these ideas get debated by the BoV prior to the decision on reinstating President Sullivan. Does the BoV believe the Dragas/ACTA premise that they can act free of public input?

My fear, and clearly this in my personal opinion, is that the “masters of the Universe” model of university governance will be affirmed on Tuesday. Dragas is clearly prepared for hard ball next week and I suspect she feels that the Governor’s letter backs her up. It sickens me that this issue has come to the university that introduced the world to the idea of public education as a civic responsibility. Now I know how the public school teachers in Wisconsin must feel.

Define malfeasance.

Define "emergency session" needing only 3 execs rather than a full board.

Angels on the head of a pin. How many? Years, legally, to find out. The Gov suddenly saying Wednesday?


@logan and and @Harry

And who would be the finder of fact on such an allegation?

With much sadness and trepidation, I echo the above sentiments of bhp.

@bhp. Based on the Governor's thoughts, why bother to have an administration? If the BOV is responsible for managing the University, we can save a lot of money by cutting out ALL administration positions. McDonnell's statement suggests they have the power to make every decision and that is wrong ( read the manual). Let's be prepared to take this to the General Assembly, I have a bad feeling we're going to need it...unless our Board members can make the case that their fellow members who are not prepared to support the President need to take themselves OFF the Board - on TUESDAY.

With our gov. into Paul Tudor Jones for at least 6 figures of out-of-state campaign money do we even have to ASK why McDonnell has been so slow to act?

The governor has power only to the extent that he has the willingness and the spine to act on it. Apparently $100,000 is the going rate for vertebrae.

Will ALL of Virginia's leadership finally prove to be cynical, vicious and/or spineless?

As a lawyer I have fought several university boards of trustees that have violated every reasonable principle of university governance. But this one takes the cake. And the governor, who obviously does not understand how a real university should function, only makes matters worse. If U.Va. is taken over by the Board at this time, it will sink. Certainly I will not be able to support it in any manner. But the Board will not care because I am not a millionaire. The only way they will ever care is if the vast majority of us stop all donations and stop going to athletic events. Let the John Paul Jones arena rot. Let Scott Stadium go to grass. Let the distinguished faculty go elsewhere. Then they may listen. But, if it is business as usual if Ms. Sullivan is not reinstated, then God, Nature's God, and the Universe help U.Va.!

Thank you, Governor McDonnell, for showing leadership in this difficult and deteriorating situation at the University of Virginia. The hubris of board members, the faculty senate, donors and sophomoric students is blinding. The top priority should be finding the very best leader and moving the University forward.

@Old Wahoo ... "But, if it is business as usual if Ms. Sullivan is not reinstated, then God, Nature's God, and the Universe help U.Va.!"

But seriously, Old Wahoo - would you advise any client to return to this environment? Their reluctance to act to cal her back; their willing collusion as Dragas and Klington worked to undermine her; the governor's "I couldn't care less how you resolve this" attitude ... even if Dragas resigned (which seems unlikely, now that she has managed to spin the Governor's spineless missive into an endorsement for HER) - I'd tell any client to run like the wind and see them in court.

@ George 6/22 7:22 PM

I agree that by not clarifying whether he will reappoint Dragas, the governor has put Sullivan in an impossible situation. She cannot accept any offer of reinstatement that may come on Tues without knowing whether Dragas will be part of the reconstituted BOV come July 1. Surely the governor knows this.

@Lil at 1119pm ... Poor little Hill & Knowlton intern who has to work on a Friday night. And my message to you? You do NOT want to know.

Waldo Jaquith's report that the governor plans to reappoint Dragas was submitted by me to the governor's press office last night-- and they declined to knock it down. See the end of the story.--Hawes Spencer, Hook Editor

Old Wahoo | 11:11pm "The only way they will ever care is if the vast majority of us stop all donations and stop going to athletic events."

I agree but make that PAID athletic events and if you care to donate, there are wonderful charities that would LOVE to have your financial support.

The notion that the only way Sullivan can come back is with the departure of Dragas may be wrong. There are ways to compromise here that allow everyone to move forward in the best interests of the University. Sullivan can come back, with a specific charge to answer board concerns in a timely manner, Dragas could preside over this in some slightly graceful way(the weakest link here).

The expedited adoption of a strategic plan by all parties with specific steps for execution could result in the best outcome for the university in this situation. It is a prospect that many on either side find distasteful, depending on how it is implemented. That may make something like this, or some other compromise, as the best way out.

Cooler heads need to find a way out for everyone here--Sullivan, Dragas, McDonnell and Zeithaml need a way out which will acknowledge everyone's concerns.

We’re being set up here. The Governor issues a statement basically telling anyone exercising their right to free speech to shut up, and reaffirming the Board’s governing role free of undue external influence, meaning us. What better way to affirm the Board’s predominance than to uphold President Sullivan’s firing Tuesday? Then they can claim it was done in an open parliamentary fashion, gaining legitimacy, and keeping us in check. If the BOV doesn’t comply with Dragas, they’re out and the Gov cleans house and appoints his own minions. Gov McDonnell can thereby effectively “Scott Walker” the university.

deleted by moderator

McDonnell would need to be an idiot to reappoint Dragas. He will thank her for her service during a difficult time and move on. Every Virginia Governer arrives in office with an exit strategy, given the six year single term. If he expects any kind of future in Virginia politics, he will not alienate such a large and unified contingient as has rallied around Sullivan and against Dragas. His press office can't deny a report that he intends to reappoint her in July without ostensibly firing her, since it is just June and she is still the rector and has important work to do next week. But my guess is its already baked in the cake and Dragas is toast...

Has anyone written about BOV member John Nau and his involvement in Republican politics nationally? Worth checking out. Also, his connections to the Governor.

We’re being set up here. The Governor issues a statement basically telling anyone exercising their right to free speech to "stop it" and reaffirming the Board’s governing role free of undue external influence, meaning us. What better way to affirm the Board’s predominance than to uphold President Sullivan’s firing Tuesday? Then they can claim it was done in an open parliamentary fashion, gaining legitimacy, and keeping us in check. If the BOV doesn’t comply with Dragas, they’re out and the Gov cleans house and appoints his own minions. Gov McDonnell can thereby effectively “Scott Walker” the university.

"Waldo Jaquith, a Charlottesville-based information expert with experience both in the White House and with Charlottesville's General Assembly reveals via Twitter Friday night, June 22, that a reliable source in the governor's office informs him that McDonnell intends to reappoint embattled Rector Dragas when her term expires at the end of the month."

I wouldn't be surprised in the least. My guess is the Governor's biggest donors both here and nationally want Sullivan out and a more Republican/Business oriented president in.

So, if the Board reinstates Sullivan and McDonnell reappoints Dragas he will call her hand and my guess is Sullivan will say no thank you. With Dragas still on the board and the other new appointees the Governor will make; he can pack the board with like minded Dragases and they will make so many outrageous demands on her that her life will be HE** and then they have won all that they wanted in the first place and everyone goes back to their cubicles and Sullivan moves on .

Sadly, follow the money.

If you have written before and are wondering what new you can say to help, consider sharing this wonderfully evocative video, especially with BOV members and lawmakers who are U.Va. alumni. They can help the governor bring about the calm and finality he wants if they will help point out that it's in his hands if he will just announce that he's not reappointing Dragas. And if you haven't written before, get on it!
Rally for Honor Sun. 2-4

"Thanks Hook" at 822 am ... That comment is WAY over the line and borders on a personal threat.

Let's not go down that road.

Let's continue to focus on HOW the Dragon Rector carried off the coup and the flawed process that McDonnell himself acknowledges.


I am in higher education out of state and have become more and more concerned about the weird pressure coming on all of American education regarding on line learning. Early in all this there was some speculation about pressure on President Sullivan to move more drastically into online programs from the Board of Visitors.

I think it's probably more than conjecture, and it is surprisingly easy to find some of the connections.

The tentacles are coming from so many directions that it is actually scary. I'm not sure this is the actual vast right wing conspiracy, because at first glance it looks more like a simple capitalist conspiracy to get their hands on education funding in any way practical (in my opinion). However, pushing the conspiracy idea not so much further, a person could imagine this very broad effort as an ultimate exercise to control what people learn along with how they learn it.

Here is a link to a disturbing story that has some ties.

Paul Tudor Jones and Peter D. Kiernan are both directors of StudentsFirstNY, Michelle Rhee's organization. According to The Nation, November 16, 2011, "Rhee’s group has pledged to spend more than $1 billion to bring for-profit schools, including virtual education, to the entire country by electing reform-friendly candidates and hiring top-notch state lobbyists." In addition, at least Tudor Jones' fund holds shares in K12 (LRN), which is one of the largest online pre-higher education firms, and prominent in The Nation article.

I have no idea how the MITx and Harvardx on line programs are funded, but someone coughed up $65,000,000 to fund ostensibly free on line learning, and no one seems to be asking about the quid pro guos.

It is very clear that Stanford's Engineering Everywhere is funded by Slicon Valley venture capitalists Sequoia Capital, which also holds shares of K12 (LRN) and funded K12 India.

A bit weird that all this is going on at the heels of Ray Bradbury's passing - we need to re-read Fahrenheit 451!

It makes me think of the old, bad, inappropriate joke, Just because you're paranoid, it doesn't mean they are not out to get you.

The governor may re-nominate Dragas to another term but that doesn't mean the General Assembly has to confirm her, or anyone else he puts forth for that matter. That being said, it seems the meeting on Tuesday is a bit premature unless those backing Sullivan's return have both sufficient support on the BoV to reinstate her and enough votes on the General Assembly to block another term for Dragas.

shempdaddy 6/23 7:31 AM wrote: "The notion that the only way Sullivan can come back is with the departure of Dragas may be wrong. There are ways to compromise here that allow everyone to move forward in the best interests of the University."

It has been uniformly reported that one of Sullivan's conditions for accepting any offer of reappointment is the resignation/departure of Dragas. I cannot imagine that this condition is negotiable. The events of the last two weeks have shown that Sullivan's and Dragas's visions, philosophies, and practical approaches to the issues facing the university are fundamentally incompatible. A post-July 1 scenario with Sullivan back as president and Dragas still on the BOV would be a disaster for all concerned. Surely Sullivan knows this.

Since last Monday, I've resisted sending an anti-Dragas email to Gov. McDonnell, reasoning that it might be best in the long run to watch what he does -- which is to say, to wait and see whether he effectively endorses Dragas' actions by reappointing her -- then judge him on that basis. But his late come ultimatum, which is being described in some quarters as crisp executive action but seems to me befogged responsibility evasion, made me decide to add my voice to the many. Hey, why not pile on? So I just now sent what's below.

Dear Gov. McDonnell:

Please add my voice to the many you have heard on the subject of Helen Dragas' eligibility for reappointment to the University of Virginia's Board of Visitors. Like the overwhelming majority, if not all, of your correspondents, I oppose her reappointment.

I am not a U.Va.graduate. When I was college-aged, women were not admitted to the University. I have, however, taken U.Va. classes (in summer school), volunteered at U.Va. (as a teenaged hospital "candystriper"), worked at U.Va. (in the Personnel Department, the Home Study Division, the Housing Department, and as a freelance writer for at least five University-published periodicals including Alumni News), taught at U.Va. (in the English Department, Continuing Education, and the Curry School's Young Writers Workshop), covered U.Va. (for, among others, The Richmond News Leader, the National Trust for Historic Preservation's Historic Preservation News, Media General's Metro Business, and Commonwealth/The Magazine of Virginia, as a side project of which I edited First Lady Katherine Godwin's memoir of life in the Governor's Mansion, Living in a Legacy), and engaged with U.Va. as a local activist (on design issues, environmental issues, neighborhood impact issues, ad inf.). In addition, I count myself a U.Va. "stakeholder" many times over (by birth as an eighth-generation Virginian and also a Charlottesville native, by choice as a homeowner who has been a close U.Va. neighbor for 25 years, and by circumstance as a five-decade Virginia taxpayer and voter -- a truly independent voter, I might add, who chooses every candidate on the basis of personal character, documented record, and declared position on key issues).

Helen Dragas may well have outstanding virtues, abilities, attitudes, experience, and opinions in general. But in the current crisis -- a crisis she appears to have created almost single-handedly -- she has proven herself to be someone who cannot tell the difference between an op ed thesis and an existential threat, between an auto-induced panic attack and a true emergency, or between personal stubbornness and leaderly resolve. She is the primary problem. As such, she can never be part of the solution. If you reappoint her, you will endorse the Commonwealth-damaging chaos she has visited on all of us as well as the unconscionable incivility and anti-collegiality she has visited on Teresa Sullivan.

Please, do not do that. Thank you.

Antoinette W. Roades

Antoinette, beautiful! Gorgeous. Thank you.

For all of us who love the University but are not millionaires, it is important to keep a light shining on the cozy situation of the BOV. How quiet the fat cats, Bill Goodwin, and former Rectors Rainey and Ferrell have been.
Obviously they were in on this coup. And they conveniently supported and helped finance the election of Gov. McDonnell.

The Governor is letting the board decide the fate of Dragas. If Sullivan is reinstated, it will likely happen wih a unified board and Dragas will either step down or not be reappointed. If Sullivan is not--four more years and an intensified resolve, possibly including retribution.

The key for now is civility. I believe part of the reason Dragas sent out the email with her rationale on Friday was to have the message act as bait. The PR firm may have been hoping for some caustic(or worse) responses to use in a campaign to show Dragas as a victim.

To achieve the result of Sullivan's return--strong, unified, clear and respectful behavior will be the best hope.

Ms. Dragas, prior to Tuesday's BOV meeting, read Gary Zukav’s , The Seat of the Soul. It’s a short read and you may have a different perspective on your recent actions.

In the meantime, I’m curious to know if you were aware of your intention when you set your compass to force President Sullivan to resign? Did you act out of fear?

Question: If Ms. Dragas was elected by her fellow board members in 2010 and approved by the General Assembly, can't her fellow board members FIRE her?

@Rupert:>>>>> "In his statement Gov Bob referred to the fact that a 2/3 vote required for the removal of the President was not taken. So, does that mean that Dragas' demand for President Sullivan's resignation was in violation of University rules of governance? Does that mean that the President's resignation is moot and immaterial? Was Gov Bob telegraphing his opinion that the actions of Dragas and the BOV have been illegitimate? Or pushing Dragas to get her colation up to 2/3, not the majority assumed in all of the previous discussion?"<<<<


You should have ended,as in Radio Days, a la Dragnet, Jack Armstrong, or the Green Hornet:

"Tune in next Tuesday as the saga continues. Don`t forget to write for your code ring.

@Rod -

Technically, Sullivan was not removed. She technically removed herself by resigning. It's what's called a "forced resignation."

It usually comes about by convincing the individual that it's in his/her interests and in the interests of some institution they value for them to resign rather than force a vote.

They'd probably say "either resign now, or we'll announce that we're calling a vote - a vote we've already engineered - first thing in the morning, and we'll fight payment of severance in court, which will be traumatic for everyone."

If Dragas and Kington convinced Sullivan that they had the 2/3 majority lined up, and that they would offer Sullivan a face-saving "explanation" ("philosophical differences") and offered her a severance payment (or simply guaranteed an existing agreement would stand) - then Sullivan could be expected to resign and then go directly to her attorney.

It's what I'd advise anyone to do in that circumstance.

Pete's on to something here.

"NEW YORK, NY – (November 30, 2006) – Horizon Wimba, the leading provider of collaborative software to the online education market, announced today that it has closed a $10 million equity financing. The financing was led by Tudor Ventures, the private equity arm of Tudor Investment Corporation"

Horizon Wimba, or Wimba, was then acquired by Blackboard.

"But I can tell you that Blackboard, Inc. (BBBB-$46.01) is a clever sham designed for our school systems and paid for with our tax dollars.

Last year, BBBB generated $500 million in revenues providing web-based Course Delivery “Modules,” Community Engagement “Modules,” Content Management “Modules” and Outcomes Assessment “Modules.”

Now, when students get frazzled, they enter the appropriate module, turn on the TV, microwave a pizza and chill out with a Coke or a joint. Expialidocious idea!

BBBB also offers “Blackboard Transact” for off-campus commerce management, online e-commerce and payment management, vending and laundry services, copy and print management, student and staff administration and video control surveillance.

Then there’s “Blackboard Connect,” which provides communications (voice, video, text and e-mail) systems.

And there’s “Blackboard Mobile,” which delivers campus life services to students, parents and faculty.

There’s also “Blackboard Student Services,” which provides student life-cycle management; “Blackboard Analytics,” which provides platform data models, metrics and dashboards; and finally,"Blackboard Collaborate,” which provides a platform for “synchronous learning.”

BBBB offers all this hocus-pocus crap to our public schools, and the taxpayer offers all the money.

I can’t imagine how I ever got through school without a BBBB application to butter my toast, wipe my ... um ... nose, select my courses or coordinate my social life.

Thanks to BBBB and a gleeful host of similar competitors slurping at the public purse, it’s clear to me why our K-12 schools and colleges are so efficient and productive."


The stench rises.

Is there a entity (Kickstarter?) to which the concerned (nay, alarmed! and pitchfork- and iPad-carrying ) might donate to fully expose via all possible legal means (FOIA, etc.) the overlaying interests (online education, the possible sweetheart real estate deal at Featheridge [sic, sack, suck], the outrageous expense to the PR firm?

I want to know and to help.