Table of contents


The death of an Albemarle County mother and her three teenaged children in a murder-suicide has devastated the community, leaving local parents struggling to help their children cope with a tragedy even adults can't grasp. What happened on Stony Point Road?

Tolly Merrick's award winning fiction

Two adolescents explore the gray area in death, guilt, and responsibility– as well as the molting woods behind David's stepdad's house. 

Amanda Smith's Panda Cakes
A straight path to filmmaking turns sweet as a new company is born in Panda Cakes. 

Virginians and their moonshine

 shows audiences to never get between Southerners and their hooch. But Roger Ebert wonders if Nick Cave's screenplay is too violent.

On the cover (of this 48-page issue):
Lead image by Flickr user bru76. Other images by Dargan Coggeshall, Tom Daly, and Dave McNair.

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