Table of contents

Who shoulda been prez?
Back in June, the UVA Board of Visitors made it clear they didn't think Teresa Sullivan was up to the job, but who would they have preferred? The Hook takes a look at some contenders. Plus, just who are these BOV-ers, and how much money did they give?

What does it mean?
Philip Seymour Hoffman and Joaquin Phoenix give Oscar-worthy performances in The Master, a Scientology-inspired tale of a charismatic cult leader and a devoted disciple, and the cinematography is breathtaking. Roger Ebert says that's not enough.

Welcome wagon
Whole Foods is known as the place foodies go to get their organic meats and veggies, but the store on Hydraulic is also known for sometimes hefty price tags. The same isn't true for the mobile Whole Foods wagon, where hungry lunchers can grab quick– and generous sized– tacos or burritos for about $5. Hungry yet?

Bidding on Ramsay
It's a glorious historic estate, but after more than two years on the market with the asking price falling and no bidders, "Ramsay" is going on the auction block. At least one realtor isn't sure that's a good idea.

On the cover (of this 48-page issue):
Some potential UVA presidents and images of the governor (by Jen Fariello), the Garage (by Tom Daly), and the JPA bridge (by Dave McNair).

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