Table of contents

Fiction contest winners!
With nearly 100 entries, picking winners was tough, but the three writers selected by judge John Grisham beat out the competition in the Hook's 2013 short story contest by penning tales packed with drama and tension. Meet the winners– and read the top story!

Action Atran
Getting inside the mind of terrorists may be the key to peace, but getting close enough to get inside their minds is downright dangerous. Author Scott Atran believes the potential payoff of peace is more than worth the risks.

Join the club
It's known as the most exclusive neighborhood in the area, and Farmington has plenty to offer– if your budget's right. And by "right," we mean enormous.

Red brain, blue brain
Partisan bickering can get nasty, and recent studies have suggested that the brains of Republicans and Democrats are measurably different– offering fuel to the fire for those who want to claim their side is superior. Is it true? Ronald Bailey breaks down the research.