Planning man: Sheffield challenges Rodney in Rio

Transportation planner Brad Sheffield gathered about three dozen Dem supporters at the Albemarle County Office Building April 23 and announced a run for the Rio District seat on the Board of Supervisors now held by Republican Rodney Thomas.

The self-described "planning nerd" offered his experience as what best qualifies him for the Board of Supervisors. Sheffield is an assistant director at JAUNT and has undergrad and master's degrees in planning from UVA.

What would make him a better supervisor than Thomas? "I'm a planner," reiterated Sheffield, who also touched on growth, transportation and education as areas upon which he'd focus.

Supervisors Thomas, Duane Snow, and Dennis Rooker are up for reelection in November. Rooker isn't seeking a fourth term and has anointed Diantha McKeel as his successor. So far she's uncontested.

Challengers have emerged in the other two races, with Democrat Liz Palmer pitted against Snow in the Samuel Miller District.

Like Palmer, Sheffield says he plans to walk the (much-smaller) Rio District during the campaign. "I look forward to walking– and losing some weight," he says.


Following Lizzie's lead in walking his district. Bad idea in both cases. NO sidewalks and hard to get to gathering places during appropriate times. Might be more advisable to follow Lizzie's style. Those grotesque things on her feet with toes may hurt your feet but they won't kill you.

Seriously this guy is An Assistant Director of JAUNT. Do you really want to turn over a Supervisors seat to him. It's a long way from Assistant to controlling the schools, taxes, businesses, fire, police, welfare and all public buildings and spaces.

Rodney is proven and responsible. Nice man who truly cares about his fellow man. Business owner, life long Charlottesville native known and trusted by all.

"Rodney is proven and responsible. Nice man who truly cares about his fellow man. Business owner, life long Charlottesville native known and trusted by all."

Except those who are informed. Ramming a midnight vote on a major regional decision (the Bypass-Bypass) without public notice of the vote -- that's worthy of trust? Why do you hate democracy?

Being a wanton spender of public funds -- that's worthy of voters' support? Why do you hate conservatism?

Last thing we need is a bureaucrat in an elected office. See what elected bureaucrats have done for/to the City . . .

The last time we voted in a Democrat for the Board of Supervisors we got a rapist and an unapologetic Democrat Party. Thanks but no thanks.

can we ask this master of disaster why being a self described
"planning nerd' is a qualification for anything ?

plan on spending more in fees; property taxes and crippling regulations

best advice for "planning nerd"?
read robert s. mcnamara memoir "in retrospect "
read carefully.
learn the painful lessons mr mcnamara recounts .

last thing albemarle county needs is a "planning nerd'

going fishing with my dad rocky; will check back in later.

i wish mr planner lots of luck.
as i told my wife carmen

"the future ain't what it used to be"

Assistant to Director of Jaunt. Plan for profit? No it's a governmental funded not for profit. Plan for low cost? Nope it's a premium service. Plan to extract the most taxpayers money by "building the Lilly" to make it seem soooo important! Yep that's it.

Let's put him on the BOS because he can rationalize any decision or social program. Can't make hard decisions so call Sheffield to plan to spend tax money.