Table of contents

Hotel city
With at least half a dozen hotels in and around Charlottesville under construction or well into the planning phase, our little city is likely to get a lot "roomier" in the coming years. But will they all come to fruition? Looking for answers, particularly on the long looming "Landmark" shell, the Hook headed to another southern city whose hotel fate is tied to our own.

Barrett's fate
A change in the way the state pays daycare centers serving underprivileged families brings an end to a Charlottesville institution, and is putting other centers under similar pressure.

Senseless Sandler
If you go to Grown Ups 2 expecting anything but puerile humor, you've made a mistake. But Richard Roeper warns that even Sandler fans may not leave the theater laughing this time.

Hidden predators
How do you protect your child from a sexual predator? Janis Jaquith explores the frightening likelihood that we all know a pedophile— but we may never know who it is.

On the cover of this 32-page issue:

Future site of "The Dewberry"? Photo by Hawes Spencer

Deputy Bobby Shiflett/Albemarle County Sheriff

Mark Weiner/family photo

Colonel Nichoel Brooks/NGIC