Run for the hose: Taco Bell destroyed by fire

news-tacobell_fire_streamsIt was located at 820 Gardens Boulevard near the Carmike cinemas.

A Taco Bell restaurant was destroyed by fire December 4, as photographs shot by Charlottesville fire chief Charles Werner indicate. The images show a collapsed roof and a gutted structure receiving multiple water streams from firefighters.

Over two years ago–- August 23, 2008 to be exact–- a blaze gutted the Taco Bell at Pantops Shopping Center. The building was eventually rebuilt.

According to County spokesperson Lee Catlin, the investigation by the County Fire Marshall’s Office into the cause of the recent blaze is ongoing, but at this point officials have not discovered any evidence that leads them to believe that the fire was intentionally set.

News accounts indicate that workers may have accidentally created sparks during renovations to the building's soffit. Damages are estimated to be approximately $1 million.

–last updated 1:43pm Tuesday, December 7

Read more on: firetaco bell


Col. Forbin : F@#kin A

Mystery fire,
no red bricks or white columns-
Jefferson's revenge.

Fire Sauce!!!

There was another Taco Bell at Pantops fire a long time ago. It was about the time the McDonalds out there opened so there was a fair amount of speculation about the Hamburglar being seen running from the scene with a gas container and a torch

Can we take a minute to recognize excellence of both wit and foreign language mastery?

I think Anne deserves our attention and plaudits for this contribution:

"Mucho caliente tacos!"

Daggonit that's both funny and elegant. "Much hot tacos"

Way to go Anne!!!

Firemanbill2 WHAT??????

No great loss.

Maybe a "Popeyes" chicken will fill the void
Better yet a "Tim Hortons Doughnuts" MMMMMMM love those Tim Tarts

Por que???!!

Wow! This if my Sister's and my favorite Taco Bell. The one at Barracks Road is icky! Well, we need to diet, so Subway here we come!

Is two years ago correct on the Pantops fire? Seems like it was longer than that. Where will the out of work roaches live now? Is there a "shelter" for them?

@Homer: Sorry, two and one quarter years (twas August 23, 2008)--hawes

Taco Hell!!

I just saw this very structure in it's intact state earlier this late morning & suddenly it got burnt later this evening

Mucho caliente tacos!

First, the one on Pantops. Now this one?

Sure is an inexpensive way to remodel. :)

Taco Bell- creator of the 4th meal. I got the munchies dude.

It's still open for business, I just got a 99 cent burrito there 15 minutes ago.

1 million dollars in damage? Uh-huh.

When I lived in Boone, NC there was a mysterious fire to that Taco Bell too - it was just a couple of years ago. How often does this happen?

If there was one in 2008, there must have been yet another one earlier than that. I moved away from CVL in 2005 and I there was one before I moved.

Is this a case of Mexican lightning?

Make the buildings a little better and they will not burn up so fast. Glad no one was hurt..dam burned toco.

I was there for the fire, there was no flames showing...Tower 88 could not get any water to flow. Typical Station 8 behavior...Tower 121 was putting water on the fire. Station 8 did a GREAT job hoseing down the drive thru and the Pier One building. My hat goes off to Hollymead Fire Dept. BUT maybe Station 8 can get some pointers from 121 on how to put WATER on the FIRE till there is no more FIRE.....

yeah, across the road at Hardees!

Lots of methane generated by their food...should be called Taco Smell!

So, is there a conspiracy? in 2 1/4 years will the one on Barrack burn? What's next? Who's behind this evil plot?

whoa! what?

it burned in two settings i was there when the first trucks showed up video taped it just the front door was a blaze looked as if they got it completely out ladders went up and doors were opened and firemen went inside and then there was a fireman that went in came out yelled for more hose and then the whole place went up in fire roof caved in and that was that about an hour into it total collapse

HOLA...never ate there...went by lots of times...I always thought it was the Mexican Phone Company. Was that really beef and chicken in those tacos???

My burrito got burnt...

@cloud: I'm glad we were your favorite Taco Bell. I am sure we will be rebuilding (sorry,, although I do as well love that chicken at Popeyes, there won't be one there)and will have for the most part the same crew working it. We appreciate your business and hope you will return when we do.

A tragedy.

I read a news story that stated if the 911 would have been called earlier than the building would not have been a loss. What did they do, stand and watch while deciding whether or not to call 911? Thankfully the workers were able to go to the other TB locations for work.