WriterHouse hosts poet Jehanne Dubrow


books-grahamPoetress Jehanne Dubrow.
photo by Jim Graham

Jehanne Dubrow will read and discuss her latest volume of poetry, Stateside, which takes as its subject her husband's deployment to Iraq, at WriterHouse on October 14 at 7pm.

“In Jehanne Dubrow’s Stateside, the formalities of structure – rhyme and meter – play against the formalities imposed upon the life of a military wife. There are poems in marching meters and poems that provide counterpoint to those rhythms, but most of all, hers is a fully experienced suite, fully composed in every sense of that word, both intimate and public, an accomplished book. She is a contemporary Penelope whose tale is epic.” – Sam Hamill

Jehanne Dubrow is the author of three poetry collections, most recently Stateside (Northwestern University Press 2010), which describes her experiences as a "milspouse." Her first book, The Hardship Post (2009), won the Three Candles Press Open Book Award, and her second collection From the Fever-World, won the Washington Writers' Publishing House Poetry Competition (2009). Finishing Line Press published her chapbook, The Promised Bride, in 2007.

Her poetry, creative nonfiction, and book reviews have appeared in journals such as The New Republic, Poetry, Ploughshares, The Hudson Review, The New England Review, Barrow Street, Gulf Coast, Blackbird, Shenandoah, Prairie Schooner, and on Poetry Daily and Verse Daily. Her work has been featured on NPR's "Fresh Air."