Meadowcreek interchange clears fed hurdle

The Federal Highway Administration has signed off on plans for the Meadowcreek Parkway interchange at McIntire Road and the U.S. 250 bypass, and says the project has no significant environmental impact, Rachana Dixit reports in the Daily Progress.

That means the Army Corps of Engineers can issue a permit to build the city's portion of the parkway, and opponents have 60 days to file suit in federal court, says Coalition to Preserve McIntire Park member Rich Collins.

Read more on: meadowcreek parkway


"The Federal Highway Administration has signed off on plans for the Meadowcreek Parkway interchange at McIntire Road and the U.S. 250 bypass, and says the project has no significant environmental impact."

I feel so proud that an interchange has no significant environmental impact. Of course this comes from the same folk that told us DDT was awesome and the cloud of dust on September 11, 2001 in downtown Manhattan was safe to breath. Gulf sea food is safe, too, so bon appetit! And breath any dust cloud, especially collapsed office buildings to restore vigor in your life. Dang the EPA says it's safe, so that's the gospel. :)

I also have to wonder why "Federal" is involved in a state road issue. Perhaps it is to tell the Federal Reserve when to print the money to accomplish the task!

Global warming scientists must be at the helm of this story! :)

Yay! Let's get the darn thing built already!

Let the games resume.

It's about time- Its about space- maybe its time to Replace

Rich Collins is against the dam and the parkway- it's like having our very own cult of modern day Luddites, except they claim it's the environment they are always saving. Oh and he's the same guy who lost in court on the ability to violate private property rights by calling Whole Foods the "public square"

See you in court and thanks for wasting taxpayer dollars on defending yet another one of your lawsuit.