New look: Film Fest gets Bogdanovich, logo

news-film-fest-kielbasaFilm festival director Jody Kielbasa wanted a new logo that really said Virginia.

When the Virginia Film Festival got new director Jody Kielbasa last year, it was inevitable the 22-year-old film festival would see some change.

For the 23rd film fest, which runs November 4-7, Kielbasa unveiled a new logo August 16 and announced that acclaimed director Peter Bogdanovich will be the 2010 Film Fellow.

Bogdanovich made some of the quintessential movies of the '70s, including The Last Picture Show, Paper Moon and What's Up, Doc? Also a film critic and historian, he's written 12 books on film.

The new logo is "an homage to the Blue Ridge Mountains," says Kielbasa, as well as making no doubt this film festival is in Virginia and a "destination festival."

Other changes festival fans can expect this year: no more themes, such as last year's "Funny Business," and fewer classic movies.


Bring back Alan Ball!!

I agree with Col. Forbin. I have to wonder have much effort and money went into their new logo as it appears to have been a complete waste. "Homage to the Blue Ridge Mountains?" You got to be kidding me. Now back to my nap.

"Fewer classic movies"? And in a year with Peter "Howard Hawks and Other Famous Directors that I Discussed with John Ford While Orson Welles Was Living in My House" Bogdanovich?

That's as uninspired as CTS's new CAT rebranding.

i was looking forward to the unveiling, but am now horribly disappointed. that is a truly boring logo - the shape of the commonwealth couldn't be a more generic logo for a film festival. couldn't there be a do over and have a design contest? no cash involved. there were some awesome thematic designs in previous years, i.e. the film family.


I was present at the new logo unveiling at The Paramount Monday night. I look forward to the film festival every year - it is by far my favorite Charlottesville activity/event. After seeing the new logo, I am worried. Will the festival this year be as uninspired and uninspiring as the new logo? Awful. I am assuming someone on the state payroll came up with it. If an advertising professional did, Mr. Keilbasa ought to demand the festival's money back.