VQR managing editor takes his own life

Around 11am on Saturday, July 30 Virginia Quarterly Review managing editor Kevin Morrissey took his own life after calling police to report a shooting at the Coal Tower site at the end of Water Street. Waldo Jaquith, who worked under Morrissey at the award-winning literary journal, has a tribute at cvillenews.com.

Within days of Morrissey's death, phone calls to the Review were auto-routed to the office of University Relations amid a personnel uproar that remains unexplained at press time.

–-post updated at 3:01pm, Tuesday, August 10


Very sad.

You are the biggest bunch of crazy conspiracy theorists I have ever seen. Are UVa and "the cop shoppe" also responsible for the oil spill? Iraq war? World hunger? Please get a hobby (that does not require you to be around anyone else).

The direct cause, or shall we say the suspected direct cause of this unfortunate event has now been posted over on cvillenews.com by a Maria Morrissey. It involved a workplace bully and UVA refusing to do much about it.

@Gasbag...Yep, you're right UVA is sitting on their hands again......

Sad news.