DP launches new website

The Daily Progress appears to have launched a fancy new website. It also features some citizen journalism with a bunch of local blogs, photos and websites featured. You can even subscribe to get the DP as an "e-paper."


Mr. Wheeler's dam plan comments are half way thru this podcast. Listen if you have any doubts about his bias. There is no evidence Mr. Wheeler that the Sugar Hollow Pipeline needs to be replaced, to date repairs have cost little, and there has been no pressure testing to determine it's longevity. Please Mr. Wheeler stick to the facts and stop your advocacy reporting for the Nature Conservancy Plan in the guise of real journalism.


I've been a subscriber to the Daily Progress e-edition for a year now. It cost me $40 per year instead of the nearly $200 per year for the paper version. There were so many "delivery" problems with the e-edition, however, that the DP finally refunded my money and gave me a year's e-subscription for free for the troubles. Their local trouble-shooter has been very helpful and understanding, but I keep his e-mail address handy just the same. The e-edition is provided through a company called Pressmart. Their technicians are in India. When I have problems, I e-mail the local guy with copies to India and to the DP management. The problems usually gets fixed the same day, but it's frustrating, being an early riser and morning paper reader, to sometimes not get to read the paper until later in the day. If they get the technical glitches cleaned up, I will definitely renew in a year. The only thing you don't get with the e-edition are the advertising inserts which I always discarded without reading anyway.

What disturbs me about Mr.Wheeler's article is that the Nature Conservancy/Charlottesville Tomorrow appears to have co-opted the DEQ, a state agency. Are they capable of this, and if so, what can we do about it ?


Until the Daily Progress ends its association with the partison organization, Charlottesville Tomorrow I will have nothing to do with this paper. The Nature Conservancy has found a way to bias the reporting of the Daily Progress via it's association with Charlottesville Tomorrow and that bias needs to be known by the public.

Too much whitespace on the sides, seems to be fixed-width no matter how wide your browser window is. At least the ads don't seem so pushy (so far.)

Threaded comments! At long last comments where one can actually follow multiple conversations.....

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So they want people to subscribe to the e-paper? I would not do it unless the Daily Progress completely stopped publishing the "paper" paper.

Brian Wheeler, executive director of Charlottesville Tomorrow, writes for the Daily Progress and one only needs listen to his comments on the Coy Barefoot show today on WINA to have evidence of the bias of Charlottesville Tomorrow, as it relates to the Nature Conservancy /RWSA plan to build a new dam at Ragged Mt. and to feed this new reservoir with a new uphill pipeline from South Fork Reservoir to Ragged Mt., a distance of at least 9 miles. Every chance Mr. Wheeler has he advocates for the Nature Conservancy Water Plan by trying to mislead the public and confuse them into believing that dredging will not provide enough water or by exaggerating the future population projections and trying to scare people into believing we are running out of water, or arguing that the former dredging estimates were not grossly exagerated. His claim that his organization is non-partisan is a joke !

hmmmm... Start your own NGO and co-opt the DEQ yourself? Oh wait, hang on - that's not cooption. Here it is: "the right...to petition the government." The very First Amendment they rolled out to the freshly-minted Constitution. Yep - looks like it's legal, legit and, gosh darn it, American as German-invented apple pie. Nope, no underhandedness here. :-)

Media General actually just seems to own 3 newspapers, and a ton of little ones.

It's more attractive and user-friendly than the rapidly shrinking paper version.

I read the Charlottesville Valley League story. Pretty interesting.

They're running content off Examiner.com websites. What a waste of time.

Let that be the first notes of the dirge for the DP.

Today's Brian Wheeler story goes directly to Charlottesville Tomorrow's web-site and skips the new Daily Progress site altogether, how's that for journalistic integrity.

So who is the power behind Charlottesville Tomorrow and Mr. Wheeler's boss. Here is the connection between the Daily Progress and Nature Conservancy.

" Michael Bills ... is a founding board member and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Charlottesville Tomorrow. Michael also serves on the board of The Nature Conservancy and the advisory board of Lone Pine Capital. "


Thanks,at least now we know that any water article we read in the Daily Progress, written by Charlottesville Tomorrow, is really a lobbying effort by the Nature Conservancy to get their dam/pipeline plan adopted by the officials. I have seen their political power at work, and it can be tough for a locality to stand up to; when they want something they usally get it. Maybe the Sierra Club, who is opposed to their plan could start reporting for the Daily Progress and call their web-site Charlottesville Today.

Could someone in the field of journalism explain to me how this arrangement between Charlottesville Tomorrow and the Daily Progress is a good thing. Clearly CT has their own agenda and it's not news; so how does the Daily Progress get away with presenting it as such, and no other news organization calls them out on this ?