L7 & The Backyard: Elliewood continues to evolve

dish-cantina-aAfter 32 years, Martha's Caf© on the Corner closed, and the site became Cantina.

For over three decades, the little blue house at 11 Elliewood Avenue was known as Martha’s Caf©, but Cantina, the tacoria that replaced it last summer, appears to have only lasted only about eight months. The owners have decided to re-name the place L7 and turn it into what Elliewood insiders are calling an “Asian noodle shop.” Unfortunately, there’s no phone listing for L7, and no one answered the old Cantina number during several calls, so further details on the place will have to wait.

Across the street, the old Buddhist Biker Bar spot is transforming into The Backyard, a lunch, dinner, and late night bar/restaurant scheduled to open next week, according to the restaurant’s Facebook page.

The new concepts will join Coupe DeVille's, Biltmore Grill, Para Coffee, Marco & Luca, Take It Away, and Sushi Love in the Elliewood line-up.

Read more on: L7martha's cafe