Kitchen Confidential: Ray Forthuber, Boylan Heights veggie burger

food-kitchenconfidential-bh Executive Chef Ray Forthuber and owner JR Hadley. PHOTO BY WILL WALKER

The secret to creating the perfect menu... starts with having a very cohesive idea of what exactly you're trying to present to your customers. Once you have that, it's easier to let loose with your creativity and really make your menu pop. The menu at Boylan works so well because it isn't overly ambitious– we know that burgers are the star here, but then we kick it up with some creative side items that serve to complement the burgers. The secret to success in the restaurant biz is... to always have an open mind. With a living entity such as a restaurant, you've gotta realize that things are constantly changing and your success depends on your ability to adapt. They say the wise man knows nothing at all– who said that... was it Kanye? The secret to making Boylan Heights' Veggie Burger is... the almond flour coating. It adds a great nutty flavor and gives the patty a beautiful golden brown color when cooked. The great thing about this recipe is that if you're feeling creative, it's easy to sub out a few veggies for some of your favorites. Just don't mess with the quinoa!

Boylan Heights' Veggie Burger vegetable stock 3 cups uncooked quinoa 4 1/2 cups uncooked, cubed zucchini 4 cups uncooked spinach 2 cups sundried tomatoes, roughly chopped 1 1/2 cups corn 1 1/2 cups black beans 1/2 cup white bean puree (we blitz great northern beans in a food processor with a splash of water, salt, and pepper) 1 tsp onion powder 1 tsp granulated garlic 1 tsp paprika 2 tbsp hot sauce 1 1/2 sleeves Ritz crackers flour almond flour salt and pepper to taste

Add about 1/2 tablespoons of vegetable stock to a pot of water, and bring it to a boil. Add the quinoa and cook it off until all of the grains begin to "bloom;" they will expand in size and attain a cohesive texture. Drain thoroughly. Saute the zucchini and season it with a little salt and pepper, then do the same with the spinach, and set both aside to drain. Buzz the Ritz crackers in a food processor. Mix together the quinoa, spinach, zucchini, beans, corn, and tomatoes in a large bowl. Next, add all of your spices, the hot sauce, and the Ritz cracker crumbs and mix thoroughly. We do ours in 5 oz. patties and coat them in an even mixture of flour and almond flour.

3/5/2010 update: Corrects typographical errors in original story.

Read more on: boylan heights


I was wondering if that was his recipe or the opening chef?
now give credit where it's due folks.

Hey Ray - I tried to get Kelly to try french fried string beans but he never got around to it. They are hugely popular in Florida sport's bars as either a appetizer in a basket or as a side with a burger. They are really tasty and best served golden brown - over cooking can ruin the taste. You should give them a try. Like Lay's potato chips - you can't eat just one.

This veggie burger recipe was put into place by the original GM, my friend and mentor Kelley Tripp. We have recently brought out a new vegetarian burger patty which is also vegan friendly. Check it out. This new one is my creation. We featured a bison burger for a recent burger of the month. Ther more positive feedback I get about bison burgers, the more likely it is to show up as a permanent staple on our menu!

who doesn't boylan have buffalo burgers?