Snow may help farmers

According to the lead paragraph (the rest of the story is hidden behind a firewall) of an article in the Harrisonburg newspaper, the snowfall that's vexing school systems may end up benefiting the people who grow crops for a living.

Read more on: agriculturesnow


Santa is stoked as well.

You'll pay for this. Oh yes you will!

great reporting....

I also wager that all this snow helps trout fishermen as well.

i appreciate the detailed analysis of the potential benefit that the recent winter activity may provide the agrarians of the area. While many questions remain, one thing is certain from your reporting”Š.some have found the snow vexing”Šwhile others , who may currently find the weather situation vexing, may eventually come to appreciate the foul weather. But who are we kidding?”Šif it’s too complain. If it’s too wet”Š.farmers complain”Štoo sunny, farmers complain, yadda yadda yadda. In summation”Šit doesn’t take a rocket scientist”Š.nor a botanist, nor a 4 year old with finger paints to figure out that plants need water. Keep up the great work!

How out of touch is most of society today towards the weather and agriculture. Last Summer was one of the wettest summers on record and the water table has been way up long before the snow. Mud is not what you need to plant in...