Light snow: 2-5" expected today (w/new video)

The National Weather Service predicts an additional two to five inches of snow today. (At the Hook weather station near Ivy, it's been snowing steadily since around 8:30am with a temperature of 33 degrees.) Hook journalist Hawes Spencer, who documented shopping opportunities Friday morning, went out again Friday afternoon to see what was going on. Video at left. As for whatever happened to the 20-28" Snowmageddon blizzard that didn't quite materialize, feel free to discuss here.

Read more on: snowmageddon


While not quite up to the morning's standard ("Rant line to be updated?"), "Fawmington" makes this worth watching over and over. Viva Virginia!

Best storm coverage in town, reminds me of the intimate reporting of Ira Glass on "This American Life." But what's up with the highly educated UVA guy "what are we known for"...duh ?

Your storm reports are my favorite part of this weather!