Historical feast at Michie Tavern

dish-picketschargePicket's Charge from the point of view of the Confederates.

In February, feasting meets history at the Michie Tavern when award-winning author, writer and lecturer, Rick Britton offers a dramatic re-telling of the July 3, 1863 attack on Cemetery Ridge (commonly known as Picket’s charge), which is "arguably the most famous attack in American history," Britton says.

Albemarle County was featured prominently in this celebrated, but terribly failed assault. Over 440 Confederates, the vast majority from Charlottesville and Albemarle (including the great grandson of Innkeeper, William Michie) "marched in lockstep across that valley of death as the 19th Virginia Infantry." Half of them would be killed.

The lecture, "Albemarle Boys in Pickett's Charge," will be held at Noon on Thursday, February 25, and a mere $15 gets you the full Michie Tavern buffet, drinks, dessert, and an education in local Civil War history. Now that’s truly a feast for the stomach and the mind! Make your reservations by calling 434-977-1234.


My husband does Civil War reenacting, his Company was with Longstreet's corps and part of "Picket's Charge" We will be there!

cATHY....omg!!! WHAT?
