Nick Lachey delivers merch, feeds hungry

Jessica Simpson's ex will be in town Friday, October 9, to deliver products to three UVA roommates who've low bid on Lachey's reverse auction website, And he'll volunteer at the Blue Ridge Area Food Bank Network in Charlottesville from 9:30am to 1pm. Lachey was in Boston yesterday, another stop on his 11-day tour delivering iPods and plasma TVs and raising hunger awareness.

Read more on: food banknick lachey


I live in Columbia Mo. and I help with the food Pantry at my Church. We're getting ready to have some food drives and any tips you can offer will be greatly aprreciated.

ex-boyband member spends a few hours in town=newsworthy
local astronomer makes massive discovery=no mention. sad.

Lachey is here to raise awareness of hunger. People in Charlottesville and the area do go hungry and it's good that he's trying to get people to think about it.

No one in Saturn's rings go hungry, but I assure you that more people have seen the article on CNN's site than would on the hook's.
So it's actually not sad at all.