GE Fanuc dissolves

news-ge-fanuc-logoGE Fanuc: An amicable divorce

Word that GE Fanuc is dissolving it's 23-year partnership, headquartered on U.S. 29  North in Charlottesville, has sparked a flurry of concerned news reports and water cooler whispering. Will all 500 local employees be out of work? And what of the 109,000 square foot building on 50 prime acres? Will it be vacated?

Fears of layoffs, at least, are unfounded, claims Massachusetts-based GE Fanuc spokesperson Elli Holman. "It's good news!" she exclaims, adding that nothing will be changing until various regulatory approvals come through later in the year.

Once that happens, says Holman, Fanuc will take over the Computer Numeric Control (CNC) portion of the business, which makes products involved in factory automation. GE Intelligent Platforms will retain the remaining production of software, process controllers, and embedded computing.

"This is a positive move for both our businesses," insists Holman, claiming it could pave the way for expansion of GE and Fanuc independently. She does, however, leave some room for surprises– of the good or bad variety– down the road.

For instance, whether the two companies will continue to coexist in the same building or if any employees will be relocated are "still undecided," says Holman.
