Mike Seeger dies at 75 in Lexington

[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="152" caption="Mike Seeger"]Mike Seeger

Celebrated folk musician Mike Seeger has died at home August 7 at his home in Lexington at the age of 75 after ceasing his battle with cancer. A six-time Grammy nominee whose influence on American folk music won praise from Bob Dylan, Seeger spoke with Hook music editor Vijith Assar three years ago. His last Charlottesville concert appearance was in March of this year at Gravity Lounge. He was half-brother to fellow folkie Pete Seeger.

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Another iconic musician has died. Half-brother of the immortal Pete Seeger (Where Have All the Flowers Gone), Mike Seeger was a well-respected, versatile, and knowledgeable artist in his own right. He was a founder of the New Lost City Ramblers and learned songs from "old-time" musicians of the 1940's. The world is a lesser place without him.

I played a couple of shows with Mr. Seeger last summer, he was the nicest man you could meet and was very funny. We traded CD's and he gave me a copy of the New Lost City Ramblers box set. He also signed my banjo and when I asked him to he said "why would you want to ruin such a nice instrument?". I will always remember him, God Bless.

Godspeed Mike Seeger. Thanks for enriching our lives... Can I have your amazing chromatic set of juice harps?