Public humiliation: the Hook 'Tweats'

In yet another bit of evidence of the decline, fall, and/or simply the herd-like mentality of newspapers, the Hook has begun Twittering. Or Tweating. Or something.

Friday, April 24 early morning update: Overnight, Twitter appears to have deleted all our Twitter content and followers. We just may stand down for a while, as life's too short to Twitter away.

Friday, April 24 mid-morning update: A Cavalier Daily columnist confirms the wisdom of quitting the Twitting.

Friday, April 24 late night update: "Twitter has been experiencing database inconsistencies for several days.... everything you see is slightly off.  We're still working on getting everything back to normal."

Read more on: hooktwitter


Before you know it we'll be back to pen and paper as the best way to communicate --nothing like getting a hand written letter from someone you love. E-mail, twitter, and texting will never be the same for me

Have you all seen the Slate parody of Twitter, also called a mockumentary

After joining Twitter, I've found that most folks don't realize how useful it can be. I don't post updates. At all. Ever. I subscribe to Twitter user updates: CNN, BBC, Washington Post, NY Times. It's like getting a newsfeed of all the latest headlines, right on my phone. They link to the posted stories in the updates. Since I have limited internet access on my phone, I can read the stories on their mobile sites. Locally, The Daily Progress posts real-time traffic updates for the area. MOST useful. NBC29 also has a Twitter account for local news updates. It's all in how you use Twitter.

Hawes sounds so enthused!

Maybe it's just me, but I REALLY don't "GET" Twitter. I can't see the use in posting 140 character sentences about my so called life.

Where Oprah goes, so goes The Hook.

So disappointing.

Hook, stop it this minute! Don't you kids make me come up there!

Why ?

Now you really will need a vacation at a Buddhist Monastery !

Oh my.....

Paul- what made the cover "not only horribly insensitive, but trashy and tasteless"?