Coach watch: Alabama hires VCU's Grant

ESPN reports that Virginia Commonwealth men's basketball coach Anthony Grant has accepted the offer to be the new coach at the University of Alabama at Tuscaloosa. Grant, who had been considered to be a potential candidate for the vacant University of Virginia job, will be paid more than $2 million annually to helm the Crimson Tide.

1 comment

If Coghill was really sorry for all the pain that he put these investors through, he needs to be honest with the Feds this time, and let them know who helped him with the coverup. You know Attorneys, Lenders, Brokers. Big coverup and I believe laying all his cards on the table will only help him get out of this mess. He was not on his own here and it is not fair he takes all the blame. Tom if you read this wise up and share the blame, I am sure the feds have bigger fish to fry. Coghill was not the only one that made lots of money, so did alot of other people.