Coach watch: Gillispie fired at Kentucky

If the open head coaching position at UVA was ever the most prestigious vacancy in college basketball this March, it is no longer. UVA will now be fighting with the University of Kentucky over the top candidates, as ESPN reports that the Wildcats have fired head coach Billy Gillispie after just two seasons. Kentucky's program is one of the most legendary in the country, having won seven NCAA championships in its history, a total that trails only UCLA for the most all time.
–photo by Steve Wilke/Flickr


the univesity of kentucky should go after travis ford. he should know how to compose himself as the wildcat coach

I also agree that uk should go after travis ford since travis knws how the fans are and also knows what it means to put on a kentucky jersey. Uk go with travis ford and let him bring back the full court pressure and a championship.

"each trendy, circa-2006 building... is architecturally distinctive"

Man you are clueless! Whatever else it might be called, "trendy" isn't even remotely correct, except for what seems to be "trendy" laminate flooring from what you described. Maybe you mean the McMansion trend the bathroom recalls? The two buildings don't look the same, but "architecturally distinctive?" Hardly the right words to apply to any portion of that project.

That's one of those new fangled Charlottesville places that manages to be neither up-to-date nor classic. The taller building looks like the architect never saw the site. If so he/she apparently didn't feel the need to respond to it. The JPA area has already been ruined by that sort of thing. We don't need to be doing the same downtown.

Maybe there's a newspaper in Fairfax that needs a writer.

What a fantastic critique. Maybe you should write these, with your obvious intellectual and literary superiority.

I'm sure you keep very busy with web sniping and "architecture critic" business, but if you can spare a few hours a week, please contact the Hook to apply for my job. This was truly inspiring.

Do not lament at "Greige." He wrote his piece from the Mohr Center right down the street from the above property.

looks like instead of lipstick they used cream colored paint and a green roof.

It strikes me as somewhat odd that a writer would consider it a legitimate thing to do when he writes criticism/reviews but then take offense at having his own work subjected to the same thing. Maybe you can ask Hawes to drop the comment box at the bottom of your articles if your feeling are so easily hurt.

So are you saying you've found a place in Fairfax?

No, no, no, I welcome the criticism! I'm flattered you found the time, as I'm sure you keep busy trolling other web sites and excreting snark on their comments pages. It is a true honor to receive such insightful and incisive analysis from such an obviously gifted thinker.
Stating one's own personal preference is not really criticism. And in all seriousness, I appreciate any reader taking the time to share his/her opinion. But if you want to be taken seriously, make a better argument. The act of plopping your snobbery into a comment box does not entitle you to respect.