NYC would-be models panic

Would-be participants in the competition that has attacted not just one but two Central Virginia women pannicked March 14 after thousands clamored for a role on a Manhattan street.


I want to say that I started watching this movie when I was about 7 years old. It was one of three films that was tradition at Christmas time in our home growing up. Still today at age 32, I make sure I watch it. My wife, of course, has no interest in it. I hope to pass it on to my kids when they are a little older. I don't know what it is about this movie that brings me back to watch it each and every year. It could be the fact that hope can come from hopelessness or now that I am a Christian it might of been that I wanted to believe growing up in a greater power that helped people. This is a must see movie for all.

I'm sorry that one of my favorite lines in this essay had a typo. It should read:
"I don't know who the sonuvabitch was!"

I HIGHLY SUGGEST that you follow the link to the New York Times article. If you don't read it all, at least watch the video within it. I thank the Hook for adding this terrific link to the on-line version of my essay.