UVA basketball on brink of worst season in 40 years

How bad is it for the UVA men's basketball this season? Despite a win last month over ranked ACC foe Clemson, the Cavaliers and head coach Dave Leitao enter their last game of the regular season at home against Maryland on Saturday with a record of 9-17. Should the Cavaliers fall to the Terrapins, it will be the first time the Cavs have failed to win at least 10 games since the 1968-69 season, when UVA finished the regular season with a record of 9-14 under head coach Bill Gibson.
–photo by Justin Henry/Flickr


I'm just glad the economy is forcing UVA to live out contracts rather then throwing money out the window. Cuz it sure was worth getting rid of Pete.

Like the stock market, Virginia will bounce back. Keep the investment asis.

UVA has a men's basketball team?

Gee, maybe UVA will give Leitao a big new contract extension if they beat Maryland

I really like Coach Leitao and thought he would be a great addition to the University. I'm at a loss to explain what has happened. There seems little excuse for why we aren't playing better.

This season was lost early, if the isn't significant improvement next year Leitao will probably be let go. That would make me sad but I understand this a business and my donations go to pay his million dollar salary. This team seems to be a failure of recruiting and coaching but it can be fixed. He needs a consistent point guard, a reliable 3 point shooter and an injury free center. I will be rooting for Coach Leitao and the young men he coaches. However, you wouldn't keep playing a player who isn't getting it done, why keep a coach who doesn't seem to be able to coach.

I hope for better because this team leaves me such a bad taste that I don't even care about March Madness for the first time in ever.

UVA would have been better off keeping Gentleman Pete. He had a better record that Dave. Much money would have been saved by UVA too. Didn't they have to pay Pete to go?

Fire Littlepage today, and fire Leitao the day the season ends. Leitao can't recruit, and it doesn't seem that he can coach his way out of a paper bag.

But it has to begin with Littlepage. If he doesn't go first, he'll make another bad hire. Count on it.

First of all, take down all the moving advertising boards, at the basketball arena and the football stadium. Stop playing the loud music. We also don't need a big new television at the stadium. In fact, I would get rid of the current one. It all takes away from the game, which should be the focus of the fans and the team. Second, either find a good high school coach and pay him $200,000.00 per year, or pay a lot more for a good college coach, but only for two years, which would be rolled over every two years if the record warranted. If not, the coach would be let go. Never ever sign a coach to a long term contract, no matter how good you think he is. Clearly that hasn't worked.