Good day: Paul Harvey back then

Paul Harvey, the "rest of the story" radio commentator who died February 28 at the age of 90, made at least two trips to Charlottesville, including this one in 1967, which was captured in print and photograph by Rey Barry. "Girls as sweet as Tonya," Barry says of the autograph-happy beauty pageant winner shown in the photo, "were the reason tiaras were invented"


The work ethic of Paul Harvey and his integrity as a person was way above the norm. Paul Harvey was one of my favorites when I was growing up. Paul Harvey was a one of a kind and he will be missed.

This gentleman was a wonderful person--and a horrid broadcaster. For a time, he made more money than Howard Stern...if you can believe that. A lovely man, but I hope Marconi gives him a good spanking when he arrives at St. Peter's gates.