Staunton completes victory over porn store

In a harsh blow to freedom, but a stunning triumph for what the prosecutor saw as decency, a business shuttered shortly after its owner was convicted of obscenity will not reopen, and the owner will not appeal the conviction, the Staunton News-Leader reports.


They were closed down because of obscenity? I'm suing them because hearing that is JUST OBSCENE! Humans = Mammals = Animals, let us be gross! The heck with the bible belt!

This is a tragedy for free-speech. Does the city know what they are doing? How many people will Wal-Mart in Staunton have to lay off due to lost sales of paper towels and bleach. To the writer of this article, I do enjoy the use of the term "harsh blow."

However, this article is labeled as a news article. Why do you couch "In a harsh blow to freedom" (clearly your opinion) but qualify the "stunning triumph" clause by qualifying it with "for what the prosecutor saw as decency?" Better to lead with "In what I think is a harsh fellatio for freedom..." and go from there.

Now against the wall, kind sir, as you submit to your AP Stylebook 40 lashes!