Landmark Hotel crane coming down

Landmark Hotel crane, we hardly knew ye. A mere seven months after this addition to the downtown skyline first wowed passers-by, the crane will be coming down on Friday with the hotel unfinished, according to a City press release. No word yet on what the crane's departure means for the long term future of the project, which workers had told the Hook was coming to a halt earlier this month. This revelation came two months after wrangling over the hotel's financing between owner Halsey Minor and lender Silverton Bank. Calls to Minor and his attorney were not returned at the time of this post.
-photo by Hawes Spencer


May the Landmark Landscape of Devastation will become a historic landmark for this historic village. Soon the city elders will decide to charge admission to walk up a few flights (once they spend ten years debating the issue).

Halsey Minor has run out of money

Ohh, good grief. Halsey Minor has enough money to buy the Omni and convert it to a Homeless Center if he wants. I think the Landmark Hotel adventure involves quite a bit more than whether one person can afford to complete the project, or whether he should complete the project singlehandedly for that matter.

Let there be no mistake, the hotel will be completed even if the city has to buy out the developers and complete the project with taxpayer money. It won't make history, the city has done this in the past.