Thompson joins Springsteen on stage

At the conclusion of his three-hour set last night at the sold out Richmond Coliseum, Bruce Springsteen announced he'd like to bring an old friend on for one more song. Right on cue, out walked Robbin Thompson, composer of unofficial Virginia anthem "Sweet Virginia Breeze," and as the Hook reported in April before the Boss' JPJ set, a former bandmate of Springsteen's in the Richmond-New Jersey collective Steel Mill. Along with the rest of the E Street Band, they played a cover of the Isley Brothers' "Twist and Shout." #

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Of all the great armies of rock fans, few can match the devotion of Bruce Springsteen's. Anyone who has experienced Springsteen in concert will testify that the bond between audience and artist transcends the usual adulation. Something magical, almost mystical happens. Some might describe it as spiritual-most definitely it is life affirming. It is in trying to nail this phenomenon that the beautiful hardbound For You has arrived.
Edited by Lawrence Kirsch and replete with an amazing welter of outstanding photographs, it's a mind-blowing collection of thoughts and stories from fans of every age and many nations, each explaining why Springsteen occupies such an important place in their hearts. Covering all four decades of Springsteen's career it is possibly the ultimate fanzine for it is the fans who have made the journey and whose words tell us as much about them as they do about Springsteen. The warmth and humanity that flows from every page is truly moving and provides a beacon of hope from which we can all draw strength in these hard times. Not a book to be read at one sitting but rather to revisit and enjoy over time.

Hey Rob -

It's not nice to plagiarize. I'm willing to bet that book reviewer Colin Reel from RockNReel in the UK doesn't appreciate people copying his work and presenting it as their own, especially when it's completely out of context.


Something tells me that Rob may actually be affiliated with the website It appears to be a website to sell a book.

I am pretty sure that the guy who wrote "Where's the beef?" was not upset that it became a catchphrase in the 80's...I am pretty sure Wendy's was pretty happy with that plagiarism.