CORRECTIONS- Denver native loves Ital
* Last week's Hot Seat about Corey Harris ["Roots music: Harris explores African beginnings," April 20, 2006], should have said he's a native of Denver whose perfect day would include an "Ital meal."
* Matthew Willner's name was misspelled in a headline in the cover story, "Sonic Boom."
* Also in the cover story, the photo of Morwenna Lasko and Jay Pun carried the wrong credit line. It was actually taken by Lasko's sister, Britta-Lena Lasko.
* One more: A slip of the wrist. The production department accidentally removed the intended subject of one of music critic Stephen Barling's comments. Barling's statement, "He's so great" referred to local songwriter Ezra Hamilton, not to fellow panelist Matthew Willner. The Hook regrets the error, but thinks Willner is delightful, as well.