LETTER- Story a dagger in our hearts

In light of your recent stories surrounding the death of Nolan Jenkins [News, June 8: "Two parties: Debate follows tragic deaths"], I would like to express how deeply disappointed I am in your publication. The last several weeks have been full of tears and fond memories, along with salt poured into the wounds of students and parents who have had to endure the media frenzy surrounding Nolan's death.

I know that as an alternative news publication, it's your duty to venture off the beaten path of hard news. Yet, as I have followed your coverage, I have become more and more disturbed by how ruthless and careless you have been in reopening old wounds of this community, as well as not allowing everyone affected by the loss to have their time to grieve. The parents and students who have had to suffer the loss of another young life have not had a moment's peace from the smut that has been published about their students, and the tragedy that has forever been imprinted into our hearts and minds.

I am writing not to tell you to stop reporting local stories that affect our community, but to ask you to be more respectful of the parties involved. Nolan has a family, friends, teachers, coaches, and teammates whose lives have forever been shaken. Everyone who knew Nolan has lost a piece of themselves in the last few weeks; let them be. The Hook is a respected publication, but if you continue to report so ruthlessly you may lose your reputation and readership. 

It takes just as much space to write a respectable piece of copy as it does to write one that will be a dagger into the heart of a community. Use your heads and your hearts from now on when you report. 

Lacy Nolan
Albemarle High School-class of 2003
