LETTER- Homophobe by any other name...

In his recent letter to the Hook disavowing any homophobia while fulminating against homosexuality [Letters, September 28: "Don't call me homophobic"], Michael Ellston asks if "our culture's expanding embrace of homosexuality" means that he will have to tell his daughter that it's okay for boys to marry boys, that he will support her if she kisses a girl, and that children don't need a mother as well as a father.

Ellston really should rest assured that he remains free to teach his daughter that it's wrong for boys to marry boys; that he'll throw her out of the house if she kisses a girl; and that children with only one parent (of either gender) and children with two loving adult caregivers of the same sex are doomed. Like every other parent in this country, he has the right to bring up his children as he sees fit.

For my part, I'll continue to teach my children that if two consenting adults want formally to commit their lives to one another, the state has no right to relegate their union to second-class (or worse) status; that I'll love and support them for their beautiful souls, regardless of their sexual orientation; and that children need as many loving, concerned, committed adults in their lives as possible and that simply having a placeholder to fill the "mother" and "father" slots is not the same thing as parenting.

Whether his daughter questions and ultimately rejects his values depends, in my view, on whether she begins to see beyond his prejudices as she grows up. Maybe she'll make a wonderful new friend at school with someone who has two mommies (plus a doting biological daddy)– maybe she'll notice that this friend is as happy and secure and balanced as anyone else she knows.

Or maybe she'll have a co-worker who brings his partner to an office party; she may not realize until that moment that who one chooses to sleep with has very little bearing on what kind of person– ethically, morally, spiritually– one is.

Claire Chantell



But what would Mr. Jefferson say?

these people have unleashed a horrible disease upon the rest of us and I am not yet ready to embrace them and say thank you

I live in the fond hope that one day those who complain that the fabric of society is coming apart will realize that the way to mend it is to let those interested in building families to do so. My partner and I are strongly family-centric people who intend to raise our children to support our family values and work ethics... and who both happen to be women.

Incidentally, anyone who has read the proposed amendment to the constitution for this November realizes that it applies to ALL unmarried couples, including male-female ones.

Looks like post op transsexuals and chold molesters are the only groups waiting to be legally empowered.

Hats off to Virginia social services for making all this possible.

This is too funny for words. How long will it be before someone says "Allow me to introduce you to my lovely wife Walter............."

I am still trying to understand how a gay/lesbian couple's need to have a legally-recognized status to protect their family could threaten the importance, sanctity, or specialness of a straight couple's marriage. My understanding of things that threaten marriage are the same for all couples: infidelity, economic troubles, abuse, irreconcilable differences... It just doesn't follow logically that the relationship of one couple could somehow destroy another couple's. Please help me understand.

the reality is that when politicians try to address the nation's family ills, somehow gays and lesbians just don't dominate the conversation. So sorry that is so