MY RIDE- Chad Chalfont: 2003 Freightliner


The one drawback of driving a Bud Light truck around a college town like Charlottesville is "everyone asks for free beer," says Chad Chalfont (right), who's been behind the wheel of the big rig for 12 years. Unlike the driver of the Red Bull truck who hands out freebies to thirsty students around campus, Halfront services paying establishments, primarily local restaurants and bars. 

One major drawback of driving the 2003 16-wheel Freightliner is that parking is tricky, especially in the heavily trafficked downtown area. While Chalfont has become adept at abiding by major traffic postings along with speed limitations and parallel parking challenges, his trainee of six months, Robby Taylor (left(, who rides shotgun, still has to learn the ropes. Since the truck makes between 20 and 30 stops a day, he's sure to quench his thirst for road experience.
