Kitchen confidential: Jonathan Costa, Maharaja


Maharaja's Jonathan Costa with his chicken mango patia

The secret to great cooking is...  knowing how to combine spices. Different spices have different flavors, and it's important to know what goes with fish, what goes with lamb, what goes with pork, etc. You don't want to overpower the flavor.

The secret to success in the restaurant business is...  good food and good service.

The secret to making Maharaja's chicken mango patia is...  using fresh mangos and good quality mango pulp.


Maharaja's chicken mango patia

1lb. chicken, cut into cubes

1 fresh mango cut julienne

4 oz. Alfonso mango pulp

2 oz. coconut milk

1 oz. tamarind juice

2 teaspoons vegetable oil

1/2 onion, diced

1 tsp. ginger garlic paste

1 tsp. cumin powder

1/4 tsp. turmeric powder 

1 tsp. coriander powder

Red chili powder to taste (1 tsp. for medium spicy, 2 tsp. for hot)


Warm the oil, and then add onions. Fry until it becomes light brown, then add ginger garlic paste, and cook till it gets brown. 

Add all the spices and then add the chicken. 

Stir and add Alfonso mango pulp, coconut milk, and tamarind. Cook over medium heat until the chicken cooks; add the fresh mango. 

Remove mixture to a serving dish and garnish with fresh mango. Goes well with basmati rice. Serves two.

Before you try it at home, come to Maharaja and get more tips from Chef J!


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