MY RIDE-Tommy Inthisen: 2006 Toyota 4Runner


Tommy Inthisen's Toyota 4Runner is a perfect car for him because, he says with a grin, "I can be a little more reckless in it."

For instance, when he needs to make a tight turn, it's no problem because "I can just go over the curb. In a sedan I couldn't do that." 

And with the sub-woofers he installed in his ride, "The music definitely sounds good," he says.

Do his friends like his reckless ways? They sure do. 

"Usually when we take a trip, they want to take my car instead of theirs," he says proudly.

Inthisen can only think of one thing he doesn't like about his car: "My friend spilled something in the back seat that I just can't get up." 
