What's your favorite Bruce Springsteen song, and why?




Jennifer Vettel: "We're going to the concert, so I need to review. Oh, it's 'Born to Run,' because it reminds me of college. I went to school in New Jersey, so there's that connection, too."





Travis Koshko: "It's 'Human Touch,' the title track from his 1992 release. I can listen to it for hours, and it's a great road song."





Jonathan Drolshagen: "It's really hard, but I have to say 'Thunder Road.' It's the perfect rock 'n roll song."




Read more on: Bruce Springsteen

1 comment

Thunder Road is my favorite song of all time. The piano version from the Live 75-85 box set was the first song at my wedding. When my then fiance suggested it, I knew I had been blessed beyond my wildest dreams. It is, without question, the most romantic, exciting song of all time. My No. 2 Bruce tune is The Promised Land. To hear that song today, as glorious and powerful as ever, is nothing short of amazing. The classics are great, but don't ignore "Magic" - its earned its place among the truly great Springsteen records.