LETTER- Barracks Road's striking out with me

The Barracks Road Shopping Center owners have struck out ["All wet? Barracks Road plan strips canopy," May 8]. They plan to take away the sheltered walkway between Talbots and Panera (strike one). I find the covered walkway a valuable convenience that lets me avoid getting wet, sun-baked, or slipping on ice. Take away the covered walkway, and you end up with just another strip mall. 

Restriping the parking to add 100 additional spaces to squeeze in more cars will certainly lead to many dented car doors like those our neighbors in northern Virginia experience. Just take a look at their car doors the next time you visit that area (strike two).

Our family eats lunch there several times weekly, including at Casella's– whose lease is apparently not being renewed (strike three).

We shop at Barracks Road for clothes (Jos A. Banks and Talbots), for food (Harris-Teeter), and many other items. The Center has been a very successful and profitable shopping center for many years. If the owners go through with these three changes, we will look for another place to eat and shop.

Floyd Artrip
Albemarle County

Shortly before press time, the Center owner announced that the canopy-removal plan had been put on hold–editor.
