QUESTION OF THE WEEK- Ever have trouble at the border?

Bree Miller: "When I came back from Costa Rica, the computer system went down for all the people coming into the country. There were 5,000 people in the corridor, and then they said, 'Anyone with U.S. passport, come forward.' Everyone else got really angry. The Miami airport was swarmed. It was crazy."

Ed Lumadue: "The only time we had a problem was when Elian Gonzalez was being sent back to Cuba, and we got stuck over Dulles in a holding pattern for two hours because they had closed all the airports on the East Coast. I haven't a clue why, but we were lucky because we were bringing in 36 bottles of wine from our trip to Germany. We were way over the limit, but by the time we landed, there was such a backup, they pushed us right through."

Alex Gil: "I was working for the UVA literary journal Calalou, and I had gone to Cuba to interview some Cuban poets. When I came back into the United States, the FBI pulled me aside and questioned me for half an hour about my ties to the Communist party. Of course, I have no ties to the Communist party. That was pretty funny."
