Earth to Andy; Bill Chapman

• In the December 18 On Architecture column ["Preservation predicament: New Alliance hopes to help"], we said that property owner Bill Chapman had purchased a house on 10th street in 2002 for $160,000, had it demolished, then sold the parcel to UVA's real estate foundation for $2.1 million. Chapman says, however, that it was a store, not a house, that he purchased for $160,000 in 2002, and that the $2.1 million sale to UVA's real estate foundation invloved seven parcels, not just the one on which the store was located, which he had purchased under an LLC along with other investors.

• In the "Day by Day" culture calendar in the December 18 edition, we remarked that the band Sparky's Flaw was Charlottesville's first major label signing since The Dave Matthews Band. However, in addition to early 1990s signings for Shannon Worrell and Lauren Hoffman, Earth To Andy, who released an album in 1999 with the now defunct Giant Records, which was a subsidiary of Warner Brothers.
